Fang Tang
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- [81] Fang Tang(唐枋), Yuan CAO, Amine BERMAK, “An Ultra-Low Power Current-Mode CMOS Image Sensor with Energy Harvesting Capability,” European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), Seville, Spain, 2010.
- [82] Yuan Cao, Fang Tang(唐枋), Amine Bermak and Thrnh Le, “Smart CMOS Image Sensor with On-chip Hot Pixel Correcting Readout Circuit for Biomedical Applications”, the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA), 2010.
- [83] Fang Tang(唐枋), Amine Bermak, “Read-out Circuit Analysis for High-speed Low-noise VCO Based APS CMOS Image Sensor,” the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Design, Test and Applications (DELTA), 2010.
- [84] Jianguo Tang, Fang Tang(唐枋), “A Low Noise CMOS Image Sensor Read-out Circuit Based on VCO and Frequency Counter,” the 3nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID), 2009.
- [85] Fang Tang(唐枋), Amine Bermak, “A Low Power Linear Output Current-Mediated CMOS Imager,” ISQED-ASIA’09 (ASQED), 2009.
- [86] Fang Tang(唐枋), Amine Bermak, “A Programmable Compact Control Mechanism for Ultra-Low Power Current-Mediated CMOS Imagers,” ISQED-ASIA’09 (ASQED), 2009.
- [87] Jianguo Tang, Fang Tang(唐枋), “Design of PID Controller Satisfied Sensitivity Constraint and Phase Margin,” Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2009.
- [88] Fang Tang(唐枋), Ke Zhu, QuanGan, JianGuo Tang, “Low-Noise and Power Dynamic Logic Circuit Design Based on Semi-Dynamic Buffer,” the 2nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting , Security , and Identification (ASID), pp. 320-323, 2008.
- [89] Jianguo Tang, Fang Tang(唐枋), “Reduction of Inconsistent Decision Systems,” the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA), pp. 3839-3843, 2008.