Fang Tang
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Fang Tang(唐枋), Ke Zhu, QuanGan, JianGuo Tang, “Low-Noise and Power Dynamic Logic Circuit Design Based on Semi-Dynamic Buffer,” the 2nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting , Security , and Identification (ASID), pp. 320-323, 2008.
Release time:2024-01-10  Hits:
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Jianguo Tang, Fang Tang(唐枋), “Design of PID Controller Satisfied Sensitivity Constraint and Phase Margin,” Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2009.
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Fang Tang(唐枋), Ke Zhu, QuanGan, JianGuo Tang, “Low-Noise and Power Dynamic Logic Circuit Design Based on Semi-Dynamic Buffer,” the 2nd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting , Security , and Identification (ASID), pp. 320-323, 2008.