- 硕士生导师
- 教师英文名称:Xiumin Li
- 所在单位:自动化学院
- 学历:博士研究生毕业
- 办公地点:重庆大学虎溪校区信息大楼
- 性别:女
- 联系方式:xmli@cqu.edu.cn
- 学位:博士学位
- 在职信息:在职
- 毕业院校:香港理工大学
- 所属院系:自动化学院
- Chen, Q, Q(外),Chen,李秀敏,Zhang, AG(外).Neuroadaptive Tracking Control of Affine Nonlinear Systems Using Echo State Networks Embedded With Multiclustered Structure and Intrinsic Plasticity:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS,2023):-
- Zhang, AG, AG(外),Zhang,Gao, YM(外), YZ(外),李秀敏,Chen, Q(外).Intrinsic Plasticity for Online Unsupervised Learning Based on Soft-Reset Spiking Neuron Model:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE AND DEVELOPMENTAL SYSTEMS,2023,15):337-347
- 陈清,赵凯(学),陈清(学),李秀敏.Asymptotic Tracking Control for Uncertain MIMO Systems: A Biologically Inspired ESN Approach:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS,33):1881-1890
- 张安国,张安国(外),高跃明(外),牛玉贞(外).Event-Driven Intrinsic Plasticity for Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS,2022,33):1986-1995
- 刘洁,许文强(学),刘洁(学),郑啸(外).Improved Visual Recognition Memory Model Based on Grid Cells for Face Recognition:FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE,2021,15):-
- 李秀敏,易浩(学),罗胜元(学).Pattern Recognition of Spiking Neural Networks Based on Visual Mechanism and Supervised Synaptic Learning:NEURAL PLASTICITY,2020,2020):-
- 李秀敏,罗胜元(学),薛方正.Effects of synaptic integration on the dynamics and computational performance of spiking neural network:COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS,2020,14):347-357
- 张安国,周红军,张安国(学),朱伟(外).Fast and robust learning in Spiking Feed-forward Neural Networks based on Intrinsic Plasticity mechanism:NEUROCOMPUTING,2019,365):102-112
- 薛方正,王玮(学),宋永端.Computational modeling of spiking neural network with learning rules from STDP and intrinsic plasticity:PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS,491):716-728
- 薛方正,黎倩,周红军.Reservoir Computing with Both Neuronal Intrinsic Plasticity and Multi-Clustered Structure:COGNITIVE COMPUTATION,9(3):11