Shuitao Gu
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顾水涛 男, 1979年出生,教授,江苏启东人。2001年毕业于河海大学土木工程学院,2008年获法国东巴黎大学固体力学博士学位,并先后在法国原子能委员会(CEA)和法国国家科研院(CNRS)进行博士后工作。主要从事工程材料和结构疲劳破坏和腐蚀数值仿真、工程结构拓扑优化和超材料多尺度数值仿真等方面的研究工作。发表SCI期刊近50多(包括JMPS,CST,IJSS和IJES等),主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、江苏省“双创计划”团队子课题等7个项目。获省部级自然二等奖1项(排名第三)。已指导硕士研究生近20多人。目前担任《Composite Materials》编委(2017-),国际华人计算力学协会理事(2016-)等,30多个SCI期刊审稿人(CMAME , IJSS,Journal of Composite Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics等)。


1.  工程材料和工程结构疲劳损伤数值模拟;

2.  超材料拓扑优化和多尺度设计数值仿真;

3.  风机叶片耐久性数值仿真;

4.  固体废弃物的利用与生态环境材料数值仿真。



a.  国家自然科学基金面上项目: 碱骨料反应作用下界面过渡区演化及其诱导混凝土宏观力”;国家自然科学基金面上项目;2017.11-2012.10(主持)。

b.  国家自然科学青年基金: 一般过渡层诱导复合材料特性界面效应的机理及数值模拟方法研究”;2013.1-2015.12(主持)

c.  江苏省“双创计划”团队-子课题:重大能源工程与多尺度岩石力学-岩石破坏多尺度数值仿真;2014.11-2018.12。


1. 微通道换热器的传热机制、非线性振动与失效分析 (山东省科学技术自然奖贰等-排名第三-2019年)


1. S.-T. Gu*Q.-C. HeV. PenséeHomogenization of fibrous piezoelectric composites with general imperfect interfaces under anti-plane mechanical and in-plane electrical loadingsMechanics of Materials20158812-29

2. S.-T. Gu*Q.-C. HeCompact closed-form micromechanical expressions for the effective uncoupled and coupled linear properties of layered compositesPhilosophical Magazine20159525):2793-2816 

3. S.-T. Gu*, A.-L. Wang, Y. Xu, Q.-C. He. Closed-form estimates for the effective conductivity of isotropic composites with spherical particles and general imperfect interfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83 (2015) 817–826

4. S.-T. Gu, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. Size-dependent effective elastic moduli of particulate composites with interfacial displacement and traction discontinuities. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2014) 2283–2296

5. S.-T. Gu*, L. Qin, Q.-Z. Zhu.Variational principles and size-dependent bounds for piezoelectric inhomogeneous materials with piezoelectric spring–layer imperfect interfaces. Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2014) 055003

6. S.-T. Gu*, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. The strong and weak forms of a general imperfect interface model for linear coupled multifield phenomena.International Journal of Engineering Science 85 (2014) 31–46

7. S.-T. Gu*, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. Piezoelectric composites: Imperfect interface models, weak formulations and benchmark problems. Computational Materials Science 94 (2014) 182–190

8. S.-T. Gu*, L. Qin. Variational principles and size-dependent bounds for piezoelectric inhomogeneous materials with piezoelectric coherent imperfect interfaces. International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 89–102

9. S.-T. Gu, B. Bary, Q.-C. He, M.Q. Thai. Multiscale poro-creep model for cement-based materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 36 (2012) 1932–1953 

10. S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He.Interfacial discontinuity relations for coupled multifield phenomena and their application to the modeling of thin interphases as imperfect interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (2011) 1413-1426

11. S.-T. Gu, E. Monteiro, Q.-C. He.Coordinate-free derivation and weak formulation of a general imperfect interface model for thermal conduction in composites. Composites Science and Technology 71 (2011) 1209-1216

12. J.-T. Liu, S.-T. Gu*, Q.-C. He. A versatile interface model for thermal conduction phenomena and its numerical implementation by XFEM. Computational Mechanics 53 (2014) 825–843

13.11.ShuohuiYin,TiantangYu, Tinh QuocBui, XuejunZheng, S.-.Gu*, Static and dynamic fracture analysis in elastic solids using a multiscaleextended isogeometric analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 207(2019) 109-130

14 J.-Y. Wang , C.-S.Gu, S.-T. Gu*, X.-L.Gao, H. Gu Shear-lag model for discontinuous fiber-reinforced composites with a membrane-type imperfect interface. Acta Mech 231 2020, 4717–4734

15 N.Shen, M.Y. Peng, S.-T. Gu*, Y.G. Hu*, Effect of progressive damage interphase on the effective bulk behavior of spherical particulate composites. Acta Mech 232 (2021)423–437

16 ShuohuiYinNingZhangPengLiuJingangLiuTiantangYu* ShuitaoGu*YuCong. Dynamic fracture analysis of the linearly uncoupled and coupled physical phenomena by the variable-node multiscale XFEM, Engineering Fracture Mechanics254(2021) 107941

17 Yan-Gao Hu*, Y.L.Ma,C.P.Hu, X.Y.Lu,S.T.Gu*. Analysis of stress transfer in short fiber-reinforced composites with a partial damage interface by a shear-lag model,Mechanics of Materials,160( 2021) 103966

18 Wei Wei, Chongshi Gu,Xuyuan Guo,Shuitao Gu*.Micromechanical modelling of the anisotropic creep behaviour of granular medium as a fourth-order fabric tensor, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 1320211-8

19 G. Y. Zhang, W. Shen, S. T. Gu,* X.-L. Gao, Z.-Q. Xin. Band Gaps for Elastic Flexural Wave Propagation in Periodic Composite Plate Structures with Star-Shaped, Transversely Isotropic, Magneto-Electro-Elastic Inclusions. Acta Mech (2021)

20 Wei Shen, Gongye Zhang, Shuitao Gu*, Yu Cong .A Transversely Isotropic Magneto-electro-elastic Circular Kirchhoff Plate Model Incorporating Microstructure Effect. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica(2021)

                21 Z.X Xia, Gongye Zhang, Yu Cong, Shuitao Gu*,A non-classical couple stress based Mindlin plate finite element framework for tuning band gaps of periodic  composite  micro                        plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration (2022 in press)

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates


Date of Employment:2017-09-01


Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Business Address:重庆大学B区第二综合楼1405



Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:法国巴黎东部大学

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