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个人信息Personal Information
教师英文名称:Shuitao Gu
电子邮箱: gust@cqu.edu.cn
个人简介Personal Profile
顾水涛 男, 1979年出生,教授,江苏启东人。2001年毕业于河海大学土木工程学院,2008年获法国东巴黎大学固体力学博士学位,并先后在法国原子能委员会(CEA)和法国国家科研院(CNRS)进行博士后工作。主要从事工程材料和结构疲劳破坏和腐蚀数值仿真、工程结构拓扑优化和超材料多尺度数值仿真等方面的研究工作。发表SCI期刊近50多(包括JMPS,CST,IJSS和IJES等),主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、江苏省“双创计划”团队子课题等7个项目。获省部级自然二等奖1项(排名第三)。已指导硕士研究生近20多人。目前担任《Composite Materials》编委(2017-),国际华人计算力学协会理事(2016-)等,30多个SCI期刊审稿人(CMAME , IJSS,Journal of Composite Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics等)。
1. 工程材料和工程结构疲劳损伤数值模拟;
2. 超材料拓扑优化和多尺度设计数值仿真;
3. 风机叶片耐久性数值仿真;
4. 固体废弃物的利用与生态环境材料数值仿真。
a. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 碱骨料反应作用下界面过渡区演化及其诱导混凝土宏观力”;国家自然科学基金面上项目;2017.11-2012.10(主持)。
b. 国家自然科学青年基金: 一般过渡层诱导复合材料特性界面效应的机理及数值模拟方法研究”;2013.1-2015.12(主持)
c. 江苏省“双创计划”团队-子课题:重大能源工程与多尺度岩石力学-岩石破坏多尺度数值仿真;2014.11-2018.12。
1. 微通道换热器的传热机制、非线性振动与失效分析 (山东省科学技术自然奖贰等-排名第三-2019年)
1. S.-T. Gu*,Q.-C. He,V. Pensée,Homogenization of fibrous piezoelectric composites with general imperfect interfaces under anti-plane mechanical and in-plane electrical loadings,Mechanics of Materials,2015,88:12-29
2. S.-T. Gu*,Q.-C. He,Compact closed-form micromechanical expressions for the effective uncoupled and coupled linear properties of layered composites,Philosophical Magazine,2015,95(25):2793-2816
3. S.-T. Gu*, A.-L. Wang, Y. Xu, Q.-C. He. Closed-form estimates for the effective conductivity of isotropic composites with spherical particles and general imperfect interfaces. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83 (2015) 817–826
4. S.-T. Gu, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. Size-dependent effective elastic moduli of particulate composites with interfacial displacement and traction discontinuities. International Journal of Solids and Structures 51 (2014) 2283–2296
5. S.-T. Gu*, L. Qin, Q.-Z. Zhu.Variational principles and size-dependent bounds for piezoelectric inhomogeneous materials with piezoelectric spring–layer imperfect interfaces. Smart Materials and Structures 23 (2014) 055003
6. S.-T. Gu*, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. The strong and weak forms of a general imperfect interface model for linear coupled multifield phenomena.International Journal of Engineering Science 85 (2014) 31–46
7. S.-T. Gu*, J.-T. Liu, Q.-C. He. Piezoelectric composites: Imperfect interface models, weak formulations and benchmark problems. Computational Materials Science 94 (2014) 182–190
8. S.-T. Gu*, L. Qin. Variational principles and size-dependent bounds for piezoelectric inhomogeneous materials with piezoelectric coherent imperfect interfaces. International Journal of Engineering Science 78 (2014) 89–102
9. S.-T. Gu, B. Bary, Q.-C. He, M.Q. Thai. Multiscale poro-creep model for cement-based materials. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 36 (2012) 1932–1953
10. S.-T. Gu, Q.-C. He.Interfacial discontinuity relations for coupled multifield phenomena and their application to the modeling of thin interphases as imperfect interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 59 (2011) 1413-1426
11. S.-T. Gu, E. Monteiro, Q.-C. He.Coordinate-free derivation and weak formulation of a general imperfect interface model for thermal conduction in composites. Composites Science and Technology 71 (2011) 1209-1216
12. J.-T. Liu, S.-T. Gu*, Q.-C. He. A versatile interface model for thermal conduction phenomena and its numerical implementation by XFEM. Computational Mechanics 53 (2014) 825–843
13.11.ShuohuiYin,TiantangYu, Tinh QuocBui, XuejunZheng, S.-.Gu*, Static and dynamic fracture analysis in elastic solids using a multiscaleextended isogeometric analysis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 207(2019) 109-130
14 J.-Y. Wang , C.-S.Gu, S.-T. Gu*, X.-L.Gao, H. Gu Shear-lag model for discontinuous fiber-reinforced composites with a membrane-type imperfect interface. Acta Mech 231 (2020), 4717–4734
15 N.Shen, M.Y. Peng, S.-T. Gu*, Y.G. Hu*, Effect of progressive damage interphase on the effective bulk behavior of spherical particulate composites. Acta Mech 232 (2021)423–437
16 ShuohuiYin,NingZhang
YuCong. Dynamic fracture analysis of the linearly uncoupled and coupled physical phenomena by the variable-node multiscale XFEM, Engineering Fracture Mechanics254(2021) 107941
17 Yan-Gao Hu*,
, X.Y.Lu
,S.T.Gu*. Analysis of stress transfer in short fiber-reinforced composites with a partial damage interface by a shear-lag model,Mechanics of Materials,160( 2021) 103966
18 Wei Wei, Chongshi Gu,Xuyuan Guo,Shuitao Gu*.Micromechanical modelling of the anisotropic creep behaviour of granular medium as a fourth-order fabric tensor, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 13(2021)1-8
19 G. Y. Zhang, W. Shen, S. T. Gu,* X.-L. Gao, Z.-Q. Xin. Band Gaps for Elastic Flexural Wave Propagation in Periodic Composite Plate Structures with Star-Shaped, Transversely Isotropic, Magneto-Electro-Elastic Inclusions. Acta Mech (2021)
20 Wei Shen, Gongye Zhang, Shuitao Gu*, Yu Cong .A Transversely Isotropic Magneto-electro-elastic Circular Kirchhoff Plate Model Incorporating Microstructure Effect. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica(2021)
21 Z.X Xia, Gongye Zhang, Yu Cong, Shuitao Gu*,A non-classical couple stress based Mindlin plate finite element framework for tuning band gaps of periodic composite micro plates, Journal of Sound and Vibration (2022 in press)