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教师拼音名称:Zhou Kun
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研究成果以第一/通讯作者在Composites Part A、Journal of Materials Processing Technology、Applied Surface Science、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics、Friction、Composite Structures、Tribology International、Wear、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer、Ceramics International、Journal of Manufacturing Processes、Case Studies in Thermal Engineering、Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Bionic Engineering、机械工程学报等国内外高水平期刊上发表SCI论文30余篇(ESI热点、高倍引论文2篇),出版学术专著1部,主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后科学基金等项目,研究成果入选“2022年度重庆市机械行业十大科技进展”,获“2021陶瓷基复合材料应用技术峰会”优秀论文奖。担任《Surface Science and Technology》和《金刚石与磨料磨具工程》青年编委、国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家、教育部学位论文评审专家、二十余种国际期刊审稿人,获《Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering》杰出审稿人,指导学生获2024本科毕业设计大赛全国决赛优秀奖。
(1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No. 52205444,SiC_f/SiC复合材料激光诱导烧蚀辅助砂带磨削去除机理及疲劳性能研究,2023.01-2025.12,主持
(2) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,No. CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX1128,面向高性能制动的C_f/SiC复合材料激光可控改性辅助磨削机理研究,2022.08~2025.07,主持
(3) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,No. 2021M700586,碳纤维增韧陶瓷基复合材料激光辅助磨削表面创成机制及其摩擦学性能,2021.11-2023.04,主持
(4) 重庆市博士后科研项目特别资助项目一等资助,No. XmT2020028,高速铁路各向异性钢轨干铣削表面完整性形成机制研究,2021.01-2022.12,主持
(5) 重庆市教委“成渝地区双城经济圈建设”科技创新项目重点项目,No. KJCXZD2020012,热力冲击作用下各向异性钢轨干铣磨刀具磨损机制研究,2021.01-2023.12, 主持
(6) 四川省区域创新合作项目, NO. 2024YFH0120,“航空发动机关键转动构件超声能场辅助精准改性强化技术研究”,2024-01-01至2025-12-31,参与
[1]王文健, 郭俊, 周坤. 高速铁路钢轨打磨理论及技术[M]. 中国铁道出版社有限公司, 2023. (ISBN: 978-7-113-30061-6)(获国家出版基金项目资助)
[1]K. Zhou, J.Y. Xu, G.J. Xiao*, Y. Huang, A novel low-damage and low-abrasive wear processing method of Cf/SiC ceramic matrix composites: Laser-induced ablation-assisted grinding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2022, 302: 117503. (中科院一区,Top,JCR Q2)(ESI热点、高被引论文)
[2]K. Zhou, G.J. Xiao*, J.Y. Xu, Y. Huang, Material removal behavior of Cf/SiC ceramic matrix composites as a function of abrasive wear during diamond abrasive belt grinding. Wear, 2021, 486-487: 204101.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[3]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, M. Steenbergen, W.J. Wang*, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu. Temperature field and material response as a function of rail grinding parameters. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 175: 121366.(中科院二区,Top,JCR Q1)
[4]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, W.J. Wang*, R.X. Wang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu. Influence of grinding pressure on removal behaviours of rail material. Tribology International, 2019, 134: 417-426.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[5]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, S.Y. Zhang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, W.J. Wang*. Modelling and simulation of the grinding force in rail grinding that considers the swing angle of the grinding stone. Tribology International, 2019, 137: 274-288.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[6]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, R.X. Wang, J.Y. Yang, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, W.J. Wang*. Experimental investigation on material removal mechanism during rail grinding at different forward speeds. Tribology International, 2020, 143: 106040.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[7]K. Zhou, J.F. Liu, G.J. Xiao*, Y. Huang, K.K. Song, J.Y. Xu, B.Q. Chen. Probing residual stress evolution of titanium alloy due to belt grinding based on molecular dynamics method. Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2021, 66: 446-459. (中科院二区,JCR Q2)
[8]K. Zhou, H.H. Ding, W.J. Wang*, J. Guo, Q.Y. Liu, Surface integrity during rail grinding under wet conditions: Full-scale experiment and multi-grain grinding simulation. Tribology International, 2022, 165: 107327.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[9]K. Zhou, J. Xu, G. Xiao*, Y. Huang, Enhancing ductile removal of Cf/SiC composites during abrasive belt grinding using low-hardness rubber contact wheels. Ceramics International, 2022, 48 (18): 26042-26054.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[10]G. Xiao, Y. He, K. Zhou*, S. Zhu, S. Song, K. Song, A study on aerodynamic performance of different bionic structured surfaces via belt grinding. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2021,18(5): 1179-1191.(中科院二区,JCR Q2)
[11]K. Zhou, G. Xiao*, J. Xu, Y. Huang, Wear evolution of electroplated diamond abrasive belt and corresponding surface integrity of Inconel 718 during grinding. Tribology International, 2023, 177:107972.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)(ESI高被引论文)
[12]Y. Liu, J. Xu, K. Zhou*, S. Li, Y. Huang, G. Xiao**, Numerical and experimental investigation on temperature field during belt grinding considering elastic contact. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2022, 40: 102555.(中科院二区,JCR Q1)
[13]G. Xiao, Y. Zhang, B. Zhu, H. Gao, Y. Huang, K. Zhou*, Wear behavior of alumina abrasive belt in creep feed grinding and its effect on surface integrity of titanium alloy. Wear, 2023, 514-515: 204581.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[14]Y. Liu, S. Song, G. Xiao, Y. Huang, K. Zhou*, A high-precision prediction model for surface topography of abrasive belt grinding considering elastic contact, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 125: 777-792. (中科院三区,JCR Q2)
[15]Y. Liu, J. Xu, G. Xiao*, K. Zhou**, G. Liu, Thermo-mechanical coupling during belt grinding and corresponding surface integrity of titanium alloy. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 121: 6599-6609.(中科院三区,JCR Q2)
[16]G. Xiao, Z. Yang, K. Zhou*, X. Li, Subsurface damage inhibiting and synchronous removal behavior of Cf/SiC composites with laser-induced controllable ablation during abrasive belt grinding. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 639: 158283.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[17]K. Zhou, G. Xiao*, Y. Huang, Fabricating physicochemical microstructures with super hydrophilicity on Cf/SiC composites surface via picosecond-laser induced ablation. Ceramics International, 2023, 49 (21): 34291-34302.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[18]G. Xiao, X. Li, K. Zhou*, Z. Yang, Comprehensive investigation into grinding characteristics and damage behavior of Cf/SiC composite modified by picosecond-laser ablating. Composite Structures, 2023, 325: 117600.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[19]K. Zhou, G. Xiao, Y. Huang, Understanding machinability improvements and removal mechanism of ceramic matrix composites during laser-ablating assisted grinding. Wear, 2024, 538-539: 205199.(中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[20]K. Zhou, X. Li G. Xiao, Yun Huang, The critical role of machining-induced damages in tribological and wear behavior of Cf/SiC composite. Friction, 2025, 13: 9440932. (中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[21]G. Xiao, Z. Yang, K. Zhou*, Y. He, X. Li, The significant improvement of machinability of Cf/SiC composites through matching laser scanning spacing and abrasive belt grain size, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2024, 38: 103017. (中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[22]G. Xiao, X. Li, K. Zhou*, Y. He, Z. Yang, Reducing Cf/SiC composite damages through collaborative control of laser ablating depth and grinding modes. Composite Structures, 2024, 339: 118158. (中科院二区,Top,JCR Q1)
[23]Z. Yang, K. Zhou*, J. Wu, X, Chen, Y. Huang, Understanding laser ablating mechanism of Cf/SiC composites: Micro heat transfer and subsurface microstructure transformation. Applied Surface Science, 2024, 681: 151514 (中科院二区,Top,JCR Q1)
[24]Z. Liu, K. Zhou*, J. Zhu, Z. Liao, L. Zou, D. Xu**, Fabricating ultra wear-resistant surfaces on titanium alloy by combining laser-induced modification with abrasive belt grinding. Tribology International, 2024, 200: 110160. (中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[25]W. Mao, K. Zhou*, Intelligent identification of machining damage in ceramic matrix composites based on deep learning. Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2024, 187: 108487. (中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[26]J. Huang, K. Zhou*, Probing wear mechanism of Ti6Al4V micro-textured surfaces processed by laser-assisted grinding. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024. (中科院一区,Top,JCR Q1)
[1]周坤, 王文健*, 刘启跃, 郭俊. 钢轨打磨机理研究进展及展望.中国机械工程, 2019,30(3): 284-294. (EI)
[2]吴婧, 周坤*, 江桂云, 黄云. SiCf/SiC复合材料激光诱导烧蚀辅助砂带磨削机理与工艺性能评价.机械工程学报 2024. (EI)
[1]王文健, 周坤, 丁昊昊, 师陆冰, 王瑞祥, 刘启跃, 郭俊, 周仲荣. 一种单打磨头钢轨打磨实验装置, 发明专利号 ZL201811540061.1
[2]周坤,毛卫明.陶瓷基复合材料加工损伤智能识别软件V1.0. 2024SR0969987, 原始取得, 全部权利
[3]周坤, 刘振扬, 汪迎新, 黄云.钛合金耐磨减摩表面的激光磨削复合加工制备方法, 发明专利申请号202411635255.5
[1] 周坤(4/10);激光砂带协同加工技术及装备;2022年度重庆市机械行业十大科技进展;重庆市机械工程学会
[2] 周坤(1/1);2021陶瓷基复合材料应用技术峰会优秀会议论文三等奖;中国复合材料学会
[1]周坤;Cf/SiC陶瓷基复合材料激光辅助磨粒刻划材料去除机理研究,第二十一届中国磨粒技术学术会议,大连, 2021-9-23至2021-9-25.
[4]Kun Zhou; Wear evolution of electroplated diamond abrasive belt during grinding and corresponding surface integrity of Inconel 718, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Changchun, China, 2022-8-17 to 2022-8-19.
[5]Kun Zhou; Understanding machinability improvements of ceramic matrix composites during laser-induced ablation assisted grinding, 12th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, Hangzhou, China, 2023-4-25 to 2023-4-28.
[7]Kun Zhou; Machinability Improvements and Removal Mechanism of Ceramic Matrix Composites during Laser-assisted Grinding, The 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China, Chongqing, 2023-11-23 to 2023-11-25.
2024年:【研究生国家奖学金】李鑫、杨政宇、吴婧、黄建超 【本科毕业设计】毛卫明(全国决赛优秀奖)