Danping Liu
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:电子科技大学
Scientific Research
Paper Publications
Gaze Estimation with Multi-Scale Channel and Spatial Attention .Proceedings of the 2020 9th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition .2020 :303-309
Modulation Characteristics of Coherent Motion Field for the Moving Vehicles .2020 9th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition .2020 :106-110
适用于受激布里渊散射激光器的起始腔研究 .激光杂志 .2010 ,31 (4) :6-7
基于LED光强分布的摩托车信号灯配光设计 .光学技术 .2010 (1)
微带多耦合SIR带通滤波器的设计 .重庆大学学报(自然科学版) .2008 (10)
Published Books
Research Projects
JG20190110, Other research projects , 2020-07-01 , 已经结题
集约化天线单元项目, Other research projects , 2020-07-01 , 已经结题
无线通信新架构与关键技术, Other research projects , 2016-05-01 , 已经结题
基于有机物电特性的柔性可穿戴压力传感器的设计及应用研究, Research projects with Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan , 2023-01-01 , 在研
基于超分辨率技术的远程监控系统, Other research projects , 2014-10-01 , 已经结题