- Yong Han, Yuefei Wang, and Zipeng Wang, SLEκ(ρ) intersecting with random hulls, 2022.
- Yong Han, Yanqi Qiu, and Zipeng Wang, Holomorphic stability for Carleman pairs of function spaces, arXiv:2111.10950.
- Yong Han, Yanqi Qiu, and Zipeng Wang, Complete weighted Bergman spaces have bounded point evaluations, arXiv:2111.07575v1.
- Yong Han, Yanqi Qiu, and Zipeng Wang, Boundedness of Gaussian random sums on trees, arXiv:2107.04177.
- Yong Han, Yanqi Qiu, and Zipeng Wang, On a class of random sets of positive integers, Arxiv 2008.08858
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