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- Eric Cheung,Eric Cheung(外).Simple approximation for the ruin probability in renewal risk model under interest force via Laguerre series expansion:SCANDINAVIAN ACTUARIAL JOURNAL,2021,2021):804-831
- 谢佳益,谢佳益(学).Recursive approximating to the finite-time Gerber-Shiu function in Levy risk models under periodic observation:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2022,399):-
- Yang Yang,Wang Xinzhi(外),Yang Yang(外).Finite-time ruin probability of a perturbed risk model with dependent main and delayed claims:NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-MODELLING AND CONTROL,2021,26):801-820
- 王亚运,王亚运(学),于文广(外).Pricing equity-linked death benefits by complex Fourier series expansion in a regime-switching jump diffusion model:APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2021,399):-
- 石本萱,石本萱(学).Pricing EIA with cliquet-style guarantees under time-changed Levy models by frame duality projection:COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2021,95):-
- 谢佳益,谢佳益(学).Finite-time dividend problems in a Levy risk model under periodic observation:APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION,2021,398):-
- 杨虎,张志民.On a class of renewal risk model with random income:APPLIED STOCHASTIC MODELS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY,2009,25(6):678-695
- 杨虎,张志民.When does surplus reach a given target before ruin in the Markov-modulated diffusion model?:JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY,2010,39(2):207-219
- 张志民,杨虎.Gerber-Shiu analysis in a perturbed risk model with dependence between claim sizes and interclaim times:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2011,235(5):16
- 杨虎,张志民.On a discrete risk model with two-sided jumps:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2010,234(3):835-844
- 张志民,杨虎.On a risk model with stochastic premiums income and dependence between income and loss:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2010,234(1):44-57
- 张志民,杨虎.A generalized penalty function in the Sparre-Andersen risk model with two-sided jumps:STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS,2010,80(7-8):597-607
- 张志民,杨虎,李栓明.The perturbed compound Poisson risk model with two-sided jumps:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2010,233(8):1773-1784
- 杨虎,张志民.On a perturbed Sparre Andersen risk model with multi-layer dividend strategy:JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2009,232(2):612-624
- 张志民,李栓明,杨虎.The Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty functions for a risk model with two classes of claims:Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2009,230(2):643-655