Roman, B., Hohmann, S., Walter, F., Lam, C. K., & Zhang, Y*. Formal supervisors’role in stimulating team members’ informal leader emergence: Supervisor and member status as critical moderators. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2021, 42(7): 913-932. (SSCI, IF: 10.079, JCR一区, ABS四星级).
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- Previous:Zhang, Y., He, W., Long, L. R., & Zhang, J. W. Does pay for individual performance truly undermine employee creativity? The different moderating roles of vertical and horizontal collectivist orientations. Human Resource Management. 2022, 61(1): 21-38 (SSCI, FT50 Journal, IF: 6.235, JCR一区, ABS四星级).
- Next:Ma, Z. X., Gong, Y. P., Long. L. R, & Zhang, Y. Team-level high-performance work systems, self-efficacy and creativity: differential moderating roles of person–job fit and goal difficulty. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2021, 32(2): 478-511. (SSCI, IF: 6.026, JCR二区, ABS三星级)