Junwei Zhang, P Matthijs Bal, Muhammad Naseer Akhtar, Lirong Long, Yong Zhang, Zixiang Ma. High-performance work system and employee performance: the mediating roles of social exchange and thriving and the moderating effect of employee proactive personality. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 2019, 57(3): 369-395. (SSCI, IF: 4.143,JCR二区,ABS二星级).
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- Previous:Zhang, Y., Long, L. R, & Zhang, J. W. Pay for performance and employee creativity: The importance of procedural justice and willingness to take risks. Management Decision. 2015, 53(7): 1378-1397. lead article. (SSCI, IF: 5.589,JCR二区,ABS二星级). Emerald Highly Commended Paper of 2016.
- Next:张勇、王明旋、龙立荣. 目标导向如何影响员工创造力——基于创造力要素理论视角的分类研究. 南开管理评论,2022, 25(6): 205-215..(CSSCI)