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- [21] 刘勇,岳文泽(外),范蓓蕾(外),宋彦(外).Suburban residential development in the era of market-oriented land reform: the case of Hangzhou, China:Land Use Policy,2015,42):233-243
- [22] 岳文泽,张琳琳(外),岳文泽(外).Measuring sprawl in large Chinese cities along the Yangtze River via combined single and multidimensional metrics:Habitat International,57):43-52
- [23] 刘勇,岳文泽(外),范蓓蕾(外),彭毅(外),章征涛(外).Financing China's suburbanization: Capital accumulation through suburban land development in Hangzhou:International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,2017,40(6):1112-1133
- [24] 张琳琳,岳文泽(外),张琳琳(外),刘勇,范蓓蕾(外),魏也华(外).Suburban industrial land development in transitional China: Spatial restructuring and determinants:CITIES,2018,78):96-107
- [25] 刘勇,FanPeilei(外),YueWenze(外),SongYan(外).Impacts of land finance on urban sprawl in China: The case of Chongqing(SSCI 1区):LAND USE POLICY,72):13
- [26] 刘勇,岳文泽,范蓓蕾,章征涛,黄经南.Assessing the urban environmental quality of mountainous cities: A case study in Chongqing, China:Ecological Indicators,2017,81):132-145