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- [11] 刘贵文,汪熹子(学),刘勇,周滔.Temporal and spatial effects of a 'Shan Shui' landscape on housing price: A case study of Chongqing, China:HABITAT INTERNATIONAL,94):-
- [12] 范蓓蕾,Wan,范蓓蕾(外), Guanghua(外),徐丽华(外),Park, Hogeun(外),颉耀文(外),刘勇,岳文泽(外),陈吉泉(外).Walkability in urban landscapes: a comparative study of four large cities in China:LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY,2018
- [13] 刘贵文,魏骊臻(学),周滔,刘勇.Benefit distribution in urban renewal from the perspectives of efficiency and fairness: A game theoretical model and the government's role in China:CITIES,96
- [14] 刘卫平,杨朝现(外),刘卫平(外),刘勇,魏朝富(外),杨馨越(外).Impacts of concentrated rural resettlement policy on rural restructuring in upland areas: A case study of Qiantang Town in Chongqing, China:LAND USE POLICY,2018,77):732-744
- [15] 岳文泽,王田雨(外),岳文泽(外),张群(外),叶信岳(外).Mismatch of morphological and functional polycentricity in Chinese cities: An evidence from land development and functional linkage:Land Use Policy,88):104176
- [16] 岳文泽,陈阳(外),岳文泽(外),张群(外).Spatial Explicit Assessment of Urban Vitality Using Multi-Source Data: A Case of Shanghai, China:SUSTAINABILITY,11(3):-
- [17] 刘勇,范蓓蕾(外),岳文泽(外),黄经南(外),李栋(外),田宗舜.Assessing Polycentric Urban Development in Mountainous Cities: The Case of Chongqing Metropolitan Area, China:SUSTAINABILITY,11(10):-
- [18] 刘勇,王成(外),岳文泽(外),胡艳燕(外).Storage and density of soil organic carbon in urban topsoil of hilly cities: A case study of Chongqing Municipality of China:Chinese Geographical Science,2013,23(1):26-34
- [19] 刘勇,岳文泽(外),范蓓蕾(外).Spatial determinants of urban land conversion in large Chinese cities: a case of Hangzhou:Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design,2011,38(4):706-725
- [20] 岳文泽,岳文泽(外),范蓓蕾(外).Measuring urban sprawl and its drivers in large Chinese cities: the case of Hangzhou:Land Use Policy,31):358-370