Research Projects
Release time: 2022-04-15Hits:
- Affiliation of Participant(s):重庆大学
- Status:大研
- Type of Research Outcome:Theoretical research results
- Classification of Project:General longitudinal
- Sub-Class of Project:Subject to participate in
- Supported by:Provincial municipal and autonomous regional science and technology projects
- Project level:Provincial and ministerial-level
- Project Number:渝教宣发[2018]3号
- Classification of Disciplines:Management Science
- First-Level Discipline:Management Science and Engineering
- Date of Project Approval:2019-01-01
- Scheduled completion time:2022-12-30
- Date of Project Completion:2022-12-22
- Date of Project Initiation:2019-04-15
- Project Approval Number:渝教宣发[2018]3号
- Subsidy Amount:10.0
- Pre One:PPP项目伙伴关系价值机理与测量管理模型研究:基于情景模拟的行为实验
- Next One:重庆市政府投资项目公私合作(ppp)建设机制研究