Research Projects
Release time: 2022-04-15Hits:
- Affiliation of Participant(s):重庆大学
- Teaching and Research Group:财务管理
- Status:结题
- Note:教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目
- Supported by:教育部基金
- Type of Research Outcome:Treatise
- Classification of Project:Ministry of education humanities and social science research general project
- Sub-Class of Project:Pricipal investigator
- Nature of Project:Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Planning by the Ministry of Education of China
- Project description:基于中国特色社会主义市场经济深化改革之际,在中国进入十四五规划新阶段之时,为了在中国“双循环”促进经济可持续发展,为了促进国家应用PPP扶贫支持,研究创建性的提出了中国PPP项目价值计量的改进型衡量理论及理论模型,即PPP项目价值量Q=C+V+JW++M;其中“C+V+M”为马克思经济学的著名一般商品价值量理论模型,而伙伴关系价值(Partership Value,简写PV)和无形资产价值(Intangible Value,简写PV),提出了中国PPP项目伙伴关系价值衡量的基本原理和计量模型,提出了PPP
- Supported by:Ministry of education humanities and social sciences research project
- Project level:Provincial and ministerial-level
- Project Number:17YJA630123
- Classification of Disciplines:Management Science
- First-Level Discipline:Management Science and Engineering
- Date of Project Approval:2017-06-15
- Scheduled completion time:2021-09-15
- Date of Project Completion:2021-09-15
- Date of Project Initiation:2018-01-01
- Project Approval Number:17YJA630123
- Subsidy Amount:10.0
- Pre One:西部地区公共项目公私合作机制研究
- Next One:重庆市习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究阐释协同创新团队项目