1 Lianyun Liu, Yue Han, Xu Zheng, Yi Qiu. "Observation of the extreme Doppler shift of acoustic rotating waves in the time domain." Journal of Applied Physics, 130 (2021) 234904.
2 Lianyun Liu, Xiaojie Cheng, Xu Zheng, Yi Qiu, Zhiyong Hao. "Experimental and numerical study of the rotational Doppler shift in acoustic waves using static microphones." Physics of Fluids, 34 (2022) 047109.
3 Lianyun Liu, Yong Yu, Junlun Hu, Xu Zheng, Yi Qiu, Zhiyong Hao. "Experimental study of acoustic superradiance from a rotating absorber." Journal of Applied Physics, 131 (2022) 164901.