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办公地点:424 Office,School of Arts Huxi Campus,Chongqing University
- 夏进军,范苗苗(学),张雨萌(学).Based on Visual Cognition Characteristic of Helmet-mounted Displays a Summary of the Interface Design:2021 The 26th International Conference on Automation & Computing,2021
- 夏进军,刘艺(学),王颖杰(学),许娜(外).Effect of different secondary tasks types on the driving safety of older drivers:Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population,2021
- 夏进军,周方舟(学),樊真成(学),黄宝钢(学),刘礼(学).基于深度学习的汽车造型设计工具研究:包装工程,2021
- 夏进军,李洁(学),张雨萌(学),张育新.折纸结构及其特性的工程应用策略:材料导报(11
- 夏进军,刘艺(学),王颖杰(学).Research on the Application of Narratology in the Design of Interactive Exhibition Space:2020 International Conference on Innovation Design and Digital Technology (ICIDDT)
- 夏进军,王颖杰(学),樊敏(学).Influence of Using Willingness of App with Different Initial Interaction Methods:2020 International Conference on Innovation Design and Digital Technology (ICIDDT)
- 李卓,夏进军.Study of D Design Management on Automobile Industry in China:第三届产品创新管理国际会议,2008
- 夏进军Brief Research on the Thought of Developing Design Art Education:CAID&CD`2007 KOREA,2007):2007-1
- 夏进军,周方舟(学).基于深度学习的汽车设计造型要素研究:时代汽车,2020
- 夏进军,杨榕榕(学),周涛(学),王帅(学).成本控制理念下的轻便两用摩托车创新设计:包装工程,2019,40(8):169-175
- 夏进军,李艺雪(学),张登洋(外).用户体验视角下非遗的数字化重构——以『金桥吹打』的体验设计为例:四川戏剧,2019):108-112
- 范正妍,夏进军.综合性大学工业设计专业开展交叉学科PBL教学的研究——以交叉学科联合毕业设计为例:机械设计,2018
- 唐帮备,郭钢,夏进军.汽车内饰材料气味的用户嗅觉体验测评及装置:中国机械工程,2017
- 唐帮备,郭钢,夏进军.基于用户视/触觉体验的工业设计材质测试方法研究:机械工程学报,2017
- 刘卫红,邢鹏飞,夏进军.梁平木版年画虚拟体验设计研究:包装工程,2017