Jingke Hong
Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)
Alma Mater:香港理工大学
Paper Publications
[1] Tang M, Hong J*, Guo S, Liu G, Shen GQ. A bibliometric review of urban energy metabolism: Evolutionary trends and the application of network analytical methods. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;279.
[2] Wu G, Hong J, Tian Z, Zeng Z, Sun C*. Assessing the total factor performance of wastewater treatment in China: A city-level analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 2021;758.
[3] Zheng Y, Hong J*, Xiao C, Li Z. Unfolding the synergy and interaction of water-land-food nexus for sustainable resource management: a supernetwork analysis. Science of the Total Environment, Accepted and in press.
[4] 洪竞科、李沅潮、蔡伟光。多情景视角下的中国碳达峰路径模拟:基于RICE-LEAP模型。资源科学,已接收待刊发(北大核心期刊,CSSCI期刊)。
[5] 洪竞科、张天翼。时空分异视角下工业污染影响机制研究。工业技术经济,已接收待刊发(北大核心期刊,CSSCI来源期刊扩展版)。
[6] Hong J, Gu J, He R, Wang X, Shen Q. Unfolding the spatial spillover effects of urbanization on interregional energy connectivity: Evidence from province-level data. Energy. 2020;196.
[7] Huang L, Zheng W, Hong J*, Liu Y, Liu G. Paths and strategies for sustainable urban renewal at the neighbourhood level: A framework for decision-making. Sustainable Cities and Society. 2020;55.
[8] Jin R, Hong J*, Zuo J. Environmental performance of off-site constructed facilities: A critical review. Energy and Buildings. 2020;207.
[9] Liu G, Chen R, Xu P*, Fu Y, Mao C, Hong J. Real-time carbon emission monitoring in prefabricated construction. Automation in Construction. 2020;110.
[10] Tang M, Hong J*, Wang X, He R. Sustainability accounting of neighborhood metabolism and its applications for urban renewal based on emergy analysis and SBM-DEA. Journal of Environmental Management. 2020;275.