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教师英文名称:Changlei Qin
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个人简介Personal Profile
山东莱芜人,工学博士,教授,博士生导师。2010-2014年在澳大利亚昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)攻读并获得博士学位,期间受昆大国际游学资助访问加拿大自然资源部CanmetENERGY能源中心。2014年加入重庆大学动力工程学院,2022年晋升为教授。
研究成果在Environmental Science and Technology、Applied Energy、Chemical Engineering Journal等能源与环境领域国际著名期刊发表论文90余篇,其中第一/通讯作者SCI论文50余篇(自然指数论文2篇、ESI高被引5篇、Top期刊论文占比70%),论文引用2700余次,h指数30。曾进行学术报告30余次(近1/3为主旨或邀请报告)。第一作者出版学术专著《高温化学吸附捕集烟气CO2》(科学出版社)、参与撰写《中国碳捕集利用与封存技术评估报告》(科学出版社),负责CO2吸附部分。授权或公开发明专利10余项,获2017年重庆市科技进步三等奖,参与制订重庆市地方标准2项。
应邀担任国家自然科学基金、波兰国家科学中心基金、新加坡科技研究局项目、全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛等的通讯评审专家;担任SCI期刊《Carbon Capture Science and Technology》副主编、《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》青年编委等学术职务8个,International Conference on Carbon Capture Science and Technology 2022大会共同主席与会议分会主席等10余次,以及Environmental Science and Technology、Fuel、清华大学学报(自然科学版)等50余个期刊审稿人。
2010.8-2014.3,The University of Queensland,机械与采矿工程学院,工学博士,导师: Dr. Bo Feng,A/Prof. Alexander Klimenko
2008.9-2010.7,重庆大学动力工程学院,保送硕博连读,导师: 冉景煜 教授
(1) 碳捕集原位转化制高值化学品 (Carbon capture and in-situ conversion for high-value chemicals)
(2) 高效CO2吸附分离技术(High-efficiency CO2 separation by adsorption)
(3) 固废CO2矿化资源化(CO2 mineralization and resource of solid waste)
(4) 生物质/甲烷等定向产氢 (Biomass or methane to high purity Hydrogen)
(5) 化学链燃烧与气化 (Chemical looping combustion or gasification)
负责“低碳控制与产氢”课题组占地约100平方,研究经费充足,实验与模拟条件完备,具有德国耐弛热重分析仪、美国NOVA非色散红外光谱仪、美国PE傅里叶变换红外光谱仪、化学吸附仪、整体式生物质气化平台、甲烷重整反应平台、35 kW串行流化床系统、挤出—滚圆机等20余套实验装备。指导研究生获国家奖学金4人,第三届川渝科技学术大会优秀论文、第二届中国碳捕集利用与封存技术大会优秀论文、中英工程教育与研究联盟CCU博士生博士后论坛最佳口头报告等奖项。
(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024-2027,负责人
(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024,负责人
(3) 国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目,2021-2025,主研人
(4) 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2021-2024,负责人
(5) 重庆市留学回国人员创业创新支持计划,2021-2023,负责人
(6) 能源清洁利用国家重点实验室开放基金,2022-2023,负责人
(7) 省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放基金,2021-2022,负责人
(8) 中央高校基本科研业务费前沿交叉项目,2020-2021,负责人
(9) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017-2019,负责人
(10) 重庆市基础科学与前沿技术研究专项,2017-2019,负责人
(11) 重庆市留学回国人员创业创新支持计划(重点),2017-2019,负责人
(12) 国家重点研发计划:用于CO2捕集的高性能吸收剂/吸附材料及技术,2017-2021,主研人
(1) Jiaqi Ruan, Yichao Tong, Jingyu Ran, Changlei Qin(*). Simplifying and Optimizing Li4SiO4 Preparation from Spent LiFePO4 Batteries with Enhanced CO2 Adsorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11(38): 14158-14166. (JCR一区,IF=9.224,中科院Top期刊)
(2) Jiaqi Ruan, Zongze Lv, Yong He, Xin Huang, Jingyu Ran, Changlei Qin(*). In-Situ Observation and Quantitative Analysis on Sintering Process of Li4SiO4 Sorbents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 467: 143506. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(3) Linyan Zhu, Zongze Lv, Xin Huang, Shijian Lu, Jingyu Ran, Changlei Qin(*). Development of Dual-Functional Materials for Integrated CO2 Capture and Utilization by Dry Reforming of CH4. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 248: 107838. (JCR一区,IF=8.129)
(4) 张中晖, 邓涛, 何东霖, 秦昌雷(*), 夏洪强, 冉景煜. 助剂改性Ni/钙钛矿催化焦油重整产氢研究. 工程热物理学报, 2023, 44(04): 863-870.
(5) Tao Deng, Changlei Qin, Zhiliang Ou, Hongqiang Xia, Zongze Lv, Zhonghui Zhang. Construction and reaction characteristics of pyrochlore-supported Ni catalysts for tar steam reforming. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48(52): 19897-19906. (JCR二区,IF=7.139,中科院Top期刊)
(6) Yichao Tong, Changlei Qin(*), Xianqing Zhu, Zongze Lv, Xin Huang, Jie Chen. Recycling Spent LiFePO4 Battery to Prepare Low-Cost Li4SiO4 Sorbents for High-Temperature CO2 Capture. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11(17): 6722-6730. (JCR一区,IF=9.224,中科院Top期刊)
(7) Zijian Li, Jie Chen, Yiming Cheng, Jingyu Ran, Changlei Qin(*). Kinetic evaluation and applicability analysis on direct aqueous carbonation of industrial/mining solid wastes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(6): 111358. (JCR一区,IF=7.7, 中科院Top期刊)
(8) Zijian Li, Jie Chen, Zongze Lv, Yichao Tong, Jingyu Ran, Changlei Qin(*). Evaluation on Direct Aqueous Carbonation of Industrial/Mining Solid Wastes for CO2 Mineralization. Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2023, 122: 359-365. (JCR一区,IF=5.278)
(9) Zongze Lv, Shuzhen Chen, Xin Huang, Changlei Qin(*). Recent Progress and Perspective on Integrated CO2 Capture and Utilization. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2023, 40: 100771. (JCR一区,IF=8.843)
(10) Zongze Lv, Jiaqi Ruan, Weifeng Tu, Xun Hu, Donglin He, Xin Huang, Changlei Qin(*). Integrated CO2 capture and In-Situ methanation by efficient dual functional Li4SiO4@Ni/CeO2. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 309: 123044. (JCR一区,IF=9.136)
(11) Zhiliang Ou, Jingyu Ran(*), Huayu Qiu, Xin Huang, Changlei Qin(*). Uncovering the effect of surface basicity on the carbon deposition of Ni/CeO2 catalyst modified by oxides in DRM. Fuel, 2023, 335: 126994. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(12) Yichao Tong, Shuzhen Chen, Xin Huang, Yong He, Jie Chen, Changlei Qin(*). CO2 capture by Li4SiO4 Sorbents: From fundamentals to applications. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 301: 121977. (JCR一区,IF=9.136)
(13) Linyan Zhu, Zongze Lv, Xin Huang, Jingyu Ran, Jie Chen, Changlei Qin(*). Understanding the role of support structure in methane dry reforming for syngas production. Fuel, 2022, 327: 125163. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(14) Weiyang Yuan, Tao Deng, Shuzhen Chen, Yong He, Changlei Qin(*). Understanding the competition between carbonation and sulfation of Li4SiO4-based sorbents for high-temperature CO2 capture. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2022, 3: 100046.
(15) Yichao Tong, Changlei Qin(*), Linyan Zhu, Shuzhen Chen, Zongze Lv, Jingyu Ran. From spent lithium-ion batteries to low-cost Li4SiO4 sorbent for CO2 capture. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56(9): 5734-5742. (JCR一区,IF=11.357,自然指数期刊,中科院Top期刊)
(16) Shuzhen Chen, Jinze Dai, Changlei Qin(*), Weiyang Yuan, Vasilije Manovic. Adsorption and Desorption Equilibrium of Li4SiO4-based Sorbents for High-temperature CO2 Capture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 429: 132236. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(17) 袁伟洋, 秦昌雷(*), 陈结, 陈淑珍, 冉景煜. Li4SiO4球形颗粒的CO2吸附反应动力学研究. 煤炭科学技术, 2022, 50(6): 145-151.
(18) Shuzhuang Sun, Zongze Lv, Yuanting Qiao, Changlei Qin(*), Shaojun Xu(*), Chunfei Wu(*),. Integrated CO2 capture and utilization with CaO-alone for high purity syngas production. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 2021, 1: 100001.
(19) Zongze Lv, Changlei Qin(*), Shuzhen Chen, Dawid P. Hanak, and Chunfei Wu. Efficient-and-Stable CH4 Reforming with Integrated CO2 Capture and Utilization using Li4SiO4 Sorbent . Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 277: 119476. (JCR一区,IF=9.136)
(20) Zhonghui Zhang, Changlei Qin(*), Zhiliang Ou, Hongqiang Xia, Jingyu Ran, Chunfei Wu. Experimental and thermodynamic study on sorption-enhanced steam reforming of toluene for H2 production using the mixture of Ni/perovskite-CaO. Fuel, 2021, 305: 121447. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(21) Shuzhen Chen, Changlei Qin(*), Weiyang Yuan, Dawid P. Hanak, Jingyu Ran. Kinetic study and modeling on the regeneration of Li4SiO4-based sorbents for high-temperature CO2 capture. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 222: 106976. (JCR一区,IF=8.129)
(22) Weiyang Yuan, Shuzhen Chen, Changlei Qin(*), Dawid Piotr Hanak, Xu Zhou. Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics of the Sulfation of Li4SiO4 for High-Temperature CO2 Adsorption. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(28): 9386-9394. (JCR一区,IF=9.224,中科院Top期刊)
(23) Tao Deng, Yujie Zheng, Changlei Qin(*), Zhiliang Ou, Hongqiang Xia, Zhonghui Zhang. Experimental and DFT studies on oxygen release and migration mechanisms of LaAl-type perovskites as catalyst supports in biomass-to-H2 conversion. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2021, 23(23): 13033-13041. (JCR一区,IF=3.945)
(24) Susu Chen, Changlei Qin(*), Junjun Yin, Xu Zhou, Shuzhen Chen, Jingyu Ran. Understanding sulfation effect on the kinetics of carbonation reaction in calcium looping for CO2 capture. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 221: 106913. (JCR一区,IF=8.129)
(25) 袁伟洋, 皮帅, 秦昌雷(*), 冉景煜. 用于钙循环CO2捕集的串行流化床气固流动特性实验与模拟研究. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 52(01): 210-218.
(26) Tao Jiang, Hao Zhang, Yujun Zhao, Changlei Qin(*), Shengping Wang(*), Xinbin Ma. Kilogram-scale production and pelletization of Al-promoted CaO-based sorbent for CO2 capture. Fuel, 2021, 301: 121049. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(27) Zhiliang Ou, Zhonghui Zhang, Changlei Qin(*), Hongqiang Xia, Tao Deng, Juntian Niu, Jingyu Ran(*), Chunfei Wu. Highly active and stable Ni/perovskite catalysts in steam methane reforming for hydrogen production. Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5(6): 1845-1856. (JCR二区,IF=6.813)
(28) Donglin He, Haifeng Gong, Yafei Chen, Zhaojie Jiao, Yunqi Liu, Xianming Zhang, Changlei Qin(*), Hong Yin(*). Experimental and density functional theory study of the synergistic effect between steam and SO2 on CO2 capture of calcium-based sorbents. Fuel, 2021, 295: 120634. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(29) Long Ma, Shuzhen Chen, Changlei Qin(*), Susu Chen, Weiyang Yuan, Xu Zhou, Jingyu Ran. Understanding the effect of H2S on the capture of CO2 using K-doped Li4SiO4 sorbent. Fuel, 2021, 283: 119364. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(30) Long Ma, Changlei Qin(*), Shuai Pi, Henan Cui. Fabrication of efficient and stable Li4SiO4-based sorbent pellets via extrusion-spheronization for cyclic CO2 capture. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 379: 122385. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(31) Donglin He, Zhiliang Ou, Changlei Qin(*), Tao Deng, Junjun Yin, Ge Pu. Understanding the catalytic acceleration effect of steam on CaCO3 decomposition by density function theory. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 379: 122348. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(32) Susu Chen, Changlei Qin(*), Tao Deng, Junjun Yin, Jingyu Ran. Particle-Scale Modeling of the Simultaneous Carbonation and Sulfation in Calcium Looping for CO2 Capture. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 252: 117439. (JCR一区,IF=9.136)
(33) Zhonghui Zhang, Changlei Qin(*), Zhiliang Ou, Jingyu Ran. Resistance of Ni/perovskite catalysts to H2S in toluene steam reforming for H2 production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(51): 26800-26811. (JCR二区,IF=7.139,中科院Top期刊)
(34) Zhiliang Ou, Jingyu Ran(*), Juntian Niu, Changlei Qin(*), Wei He, Lin Yang. A density functional theory study of CO2 hydrogenation to methanol over Pd/TiO2 catalyst: The role of interfacial site. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(11): 6328-6340. (JCR二区,IF=7.139,中科院Top期刊)
(35) Zhonghui Zhang, Zhiliang Ou, Changlei Qin(*), Jingyu Ran, Chunfei Wu. Roles of alkali/alkaline earth metals in steam reforming of biomass tar for hydrogen production over perovskite supported Ni catalysts. Fuel, 2019, 257: 116032. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(36) Shuai Pi, Zonghao Zhang, Donglin He, Changlei Qin(*), Jingyu Ran(*). Investigation of Y2O3/MgO-modified extrusion–spheronized CaO-based pellets for high-temperature CO2 capture. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 14(6): e2366. (JCR三区,IF=1.777)
(37) Zhiliang Ou, Changlei Qin(*), Juntian Niu, Lihui Zhang, Jingyu Ran(*). A comprehensive DFT study of CO2 catalytic conversion by H2 over Pt-doped Ni catalysts. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(2): 819-834. (JCR二区,IF=7.139,中科院Top期刊)
(38) Shuai Pi, Zonghao Zhang, Donglin He, Changlei Qin(*), Jingyu Ran(*). Novel Binders-Promoted Extrusion-Spheronized CaO-Based Pellets for High-Temperature CO2 Capture. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(3): 2381-2389. (JCR二区,IF=4.654)
(39) Zonghao Zhang, Shuai Pi, Donglin He, Changlei Qin(*), Jingyu Ran(*). Investigation of Pore-Formers to Modify Extrusion-Spheronized CaO-Based Pellets for CO2 Capture. Processes, 2019, 7(2): 62. (JCR二区,IF=3.352)
(40) Changlei Qin(*), Donglin He, Zhonghui Zhang, Lili Tan, Jingyu Ran. The consecutive calcination/sulfation in calcium looping for CO2 capture: Particle modeling and behaviour investigation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 334: 2238-2249. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(41) Lili Tan, Changlei Qin(*), Zhonghui Zhang, Jingyu Ran, Vasilije Manovic, Compatibility of NiO/CuO in Ca-Cu Chemical Looping for High-Purity H2 Production with CO2 Capture, Energy Technology, 2018, 6(9): 1777-1787. (JCR三区,IF=4.149)
(42) Donglin He, Changlei Qin(*), Zonghao Zhang, Shuai Pi, Jingyu Ran, Ge Pu, Investigation of Y2O3/MxOy-Incorporated Ca-Based Sorbents for Efficient and Stable CO2 Capture at High Temperature, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2018, 57(34): 11625–11635. (JCR二区,IF=4.326)
(43) Ruijie Gong, Changlei Qin(*), Donglin He, Lili Tan, Jingyu Ran(*), Oxygen Uncoupling of Cu-based Oxygen Carrier with the Presence of Coal Ash in Chemical Looping Process, Energy & Fuels, 32 (2018) 7708-7717. (JCR二区,IF=4.654)
(44) Donglin He, Ge Pu, Changlei Qin(*), Ruijie Gong, Lili Tan, Jingyu Ran. Impacts and Action Mechanism of Coal Ash on CaO-Based Sorbents for CO2 Capture under an Oxy-fuel Calcination Environment. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56(51): 15143-15152. (JCR二区,IF=4.326)
(45) Yan Shao, Donglin He, Changlei Qin(*), Jingyu Ran(*), Li Zhang. SO2 removal characteristics using waste CaO from calcium looping CO2 capture process. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2017, 7(4): 637-648. (JCR三区,IF=2.518)
(46) Donglin He,Changlei Qin(*),Vasilije Manovic,Jingyu Ran,Bo Feng, Study on the interaction between CaO-based sorbents and coal ash in calcium looping process, Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 156:339-347. (JCR一区,IF=8.129)
(47) Donglin He, Yan Shao, Changlei Qin(*), Ge Pu, Jingyu Ran, Li Zhang, Understanding the Sulfation Pattern of CaO-Based Sorbents in a Novel Process for Sequential CO2 and SO2 Capture,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(39): 10251-10262. (JCR二区,IF=4.326)
(48) Changlei Qin(*), Vasilije Manovic(*), Jingyu Ran, Bo Feng, Simulation of the calcination of a core-in-shell CuO/CaCO3 particle for Ca–Cu chemical looping, Fuel, 2016(181): 522-530. (JCR一区,IF=8.035,中科院Top期刊)
(49) Changlei Qin(*), Junjun Yin, Bo Feng, Jingyu Ran, Li Zhang, Vasilije Manovic, Modelling of the calcination behaviour of a uniformly-distributed CuO/CaCO3 particle in Ca–Cu chemical looping, Applied Energy, 164 (2016) 400-410. (JCR一区,IF=11.446,中科院Top期刊)
(50) Changlei Qin(*), Bo Feng, Junjun Yin, Jingyu Ran, Li Zhang, Vasilije Manovic(*), Matching of kinetics of CaCO3 decomposition and CuO reduction with CH4 in Ca–Cu chemical looping. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 262(0): 665-675. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(51) Changlei Qin, Hong Du, Liang Liu, Junjun Yin, Bo Feng(*), CO2 Capture Performance and Attrition Property of CaO-Based Pellets Manusfactured from Organometallic Precursors by Extrusion. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28 (1): 329-339. (JCR二区,IF=4.654)
(52) Changlei Qin, Junjun Yin, Jingyu Ran(*), Li Zhang, Bo Feng(*), Effect of support material on the performance of K2CO3-based pellets for cyclic CO2 capture. Applied Energy, 2014, 136 (0): 280-288. (JCR一区,IF=11.446,中科院Top期刊)
(53) Changlei Qin, Junjun Yin, Cong Luo, Hui An, Wenqiang Liu, Bo Feng(*), Enhancing the Performance of CaO/CuO based Composite for CO2 Capture in a Combined Ca-Cu Chemical Looping Process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2013, 228 (0): 75-86. (JCR一区,IF=16.744,中科院Top期刊)
(54) Changlei Qin, Wenqiang Liu, Hui An, Junjun Yin, Bo Feng(*), Fabrication of CaO-Based Sorbents for CO2 Capture by a Mixing Method. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46 (3): 1932-1939. (JCR一区,IF=11.357,中科院Top期刊)
(55) Changlei Qin, Junjun Yin, Hui An, Wenqiang Liu, Bo Feng(*), Performance of Extruded Particles from Calcium Hydroxide and Cement for CO2 Capture. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26 (1): 154-161. (JCR二区,IF=4.654)
(56) Changlei Qin, Junjun Yin, Wenqiang Liu, Hui An, Bo Feng(*), Behavior of CaO/CuO Based Composite in a Combined Calcium and Copper Chemical Looping Process. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51 (38): 12274-12281. (JCR二区,IF=4.326)