Lianyun Liu


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Lianyun Liu, Xu Zheng, Zhiyong Hao, Yi Qiu. "A hybrid time-frequency domain method to predict insertion loss of intake system." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148 (2020) 2945-2957.

Lianyun Liu, Xu Zheng, Zhiyong Hao, Yi Qiu. "A computational fluid dynamics approach for full characterization of muffler without and with exhaust flow." Physics of Fluids, 32 (2020) 066101.

Lianyun Liu, Xu Zheng, Zhiyong Hao, Yi Qiu. "A time-domain simulation method to predict insertion loss of a dissipative muffler with exhaust flow." Physics of Fluids, 32 (2021) 067114.

Lianyun Liu, Zhiyong Hao, Yi Qiu, Xu Zheng. "A modified time domain approach for calculation of noise reduction and acoustic impedance of intake duct system." Applied Acoustics, 168 (2020) 107420.

Liu, Lianyun, Xu Zheng, Zhiyong Hao, Yi Qiu. "A modified reciprocal equation to predict the complex transmission coefficient of a flow duct." AIP Advances, 11 (2021) 095001.

Lianyun Liu, Xu Zheng, Yi Qiu, Zhiyong Hao. “Application of reciprocity to calculating the scattering matrix of a dissipative muffler without and with nonuniform meanflow.” Acoustics Australia 2022.

Yanhong Sun, Yi Qiu, Lianyun Liu*, Xu Zheng*. Three-Dimensional Acoustic Analysis of a Rectangular Duct with Gradient Cross-Sections in High-Speed Trains. Applied Sciences, 12 (2022).

Liu Lian-yun, Hao Zhi-yong, Liu Chi. “CFD analysis of a transfer matrix of exhaust muffler with mean flow and prediction of exhaust noise.” Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 13, (2012) 709-716.

Lianyun Liu, Zhiyong Hao, Xinyi Qian, Xianfeng Hu. A three-dimensional CFD approach for prediction of noise reduction of mufflers without mean flow. International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration, 9 (2012) 248-258.

10 刘联鋆, 郝志勇, 刘迟. 空气滤清器流动阻力与噪声特性的仿真和优化. 汽车工程, 33 (2011) 1092-1097. 

11 刘联鋆, 郝志勇, 钱欣怡. 空滤器滤芯声学特性的仿真方法. 浙江大学学报(工学版) 10 (2012) 1784-1789. 

12 刘联鋆, 郝志勇, 钱欣怡, 胡先锋. 涡轮增压器出口消声器的性能预测和评估. 哈尔滨工程大学学报34 (2013) 197-201. 

13  刘联鋆, 郝志勇, 郑旭. 基于计算流体动力学的内燃机进气空滤器消声量计算. 振动与冲击 32 (2013) 141-145. 

14 刘联鋆, 郝志勇, 钱欣怡, 胡先锋. 增压发动机的进气噪声源提取和进气噪声的预测. 内燃机学报 31 (2013) 177-182. 

15 刘联鋆, 郝志勇, 郑旭. 复杂腔体四极子矩阵的三维CFD计算方法. 振动工程学报 26 (2013) 298-302. 
