Personal Information
  • Associate researcher
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Name (Simplified Chinese):Jie Jiang
  • Name (English):Jie Jiang
  • Name (Pinyin):jiangjie
  • Date of Employment:2019-10-01
  • School/Department:数学与统计学院
  • Education Level:Postgraduate (Doctoral)
  • Business Address:LD624
  • Gender:Male
  • Contact
  • Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science
  • Status:Employed
  • Alma Mater:香港理工大学
Other Contact Information:
  • Telephone:
  • Email:

I'm currently working at College of Mathematics and Statistics of Chongqing University as an associate professor. I got my Bachelor of Applied Mathematics from Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2013. Then I began to study for my doctorate. I participated in a joint PhD program between Xi'an Jiaotong University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. This makes me to own two PhD degrees: Doctor of Mathematics from Xi'an Jiaotong University (supervised by Prof. Zhiping Chen) and Doctor of Philosophy from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (supervised by Prof. Xiaojun Chen). My both doctoral careers ended in Sep. 2019. In October 2019, I joined Chongqing University located in Chongqing municipality of China to be an assistant professor in College of Mathematics and Statistics. In September 2023, I was appointed as an associate professor.

Research Focus
Work Experience
  • 重庆大学 , 数学与统计学院 , 副研究员 , 在职 2023-9-1 ∼ Now
  • 重庆大学 , 数学与统计学院 , 讲师 2022-10-28 ∼ 2023-8-31
  • 重庆大学 , 数学与统计学院 , 弘深博士后青年教师 , 已出站 2019-10-1 ∼ 2022-10-28
Educational Experience
  • 香港理工大学 , 应用数学  , Doctoral Degree in Philosophy , Postgraduate (Doctoral) 2016-12-16 ∼ 2019-6-15
  • 西安交通大学 , 数学与应用数学  , Bachelor's Degree in Science , University graduated 2009-9-1 ∼ 2013-7-1
  • 西安交通大学 , 数学  , Doctoral Degree in Science , With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study 2015-3-1 ∼ 2019-9-17
Social Affiliations
  • 我担任了《SIAM Journal on Optimization》,《SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis》,《Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications》,《Mathematical Programming》,《Numerical Algorithms》,《Annals of Operations Research》,《运筹学学报》等一系列国内外优秀期刊的匿名审稿人。 2019-10-1 ∼ Now
Research Group
No content

Doctoral Degree in Science

Jie Jiang
chongqing university
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