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教师英文名称:Yantao Li











个人简介Personal Profile

李艳涛是重庆大学“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师,重庆市巴渝青年学者,重庆大学博士。现任职于重庆大学计算机学院信息安全系。研究领域包括:移动计算安全、深度学习和无线网络等。主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年各一项。获得重庆市自然科学奖一等奖(4/5)和贵州省自然科学三等奖(3/4)。目前在国内国际重要学术刊物上发表相关学术论文100多篇。获得2020年度IEEE Internet Computing最佳论文,IEEE NAS 2018会议最佳论文入围奖,2014年重庆市优秀博士学位论文和2011年重庆市优秀硕士学位论文。担任国家自然科学基金通讯评议专家,教育部学位中心学位论文通讯评议专家。2022年起,担任《IEEE Internet of Things Journal》副主编。


· 移动计算安全移动用户持续认证、指纹/掌静脉图像识别

· 深度学习:生成对抗网络、图神经网络、迁移学习

· 无线网络:无线网络构架与通信、车联网/传感器感知计算


· 年度招收博士生1名、硕士生3名。教育背景包括:计算机、软件、通信和数学等。如果对相关研究内容感兴趣,可通过邮件联系。

· 理想的知识基础包括:计算机和网络体系结构、机器学习、深度学习、Python、Matlab等。




学术成果Google Scholar, DBLPORCID

代表性论文 (*通讯作者)                                                                                  Last updated: May 2024

[1]Y. Li, L. Liu, S. Deng, H. Qin, M. A. El-Yacoubi, G. Zhou, Memory-Augmented Autoencoder based Continuous Authentication on Smartphones with Conditional Transformer GANsIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 23, Issue 5, May 2024, Pages 4467-4482

[2]Y. Li, X. Sun, Z. Yang, H. Huang, SNNAuth: Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication On Smartphones Using Spiking Neural Networks, IEEE Internet of Things JournalVolume 11, Issue 9, May 2024, Pages 15957-15968

[3]Y. Li, C. Fan, H. Qin, S. Deng, M. A. El-Yacoubi, G. Zhou, Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Feature Extraction and Encoding for Finger-vein VerificationIEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational IntelligenceAccepted in April 2024

[4]Y. Li, C. Tang,  S. Deng, H. Qin, H. Huang, Mixed Automatic Adversarial Augmentation Network for Finger-Vein RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement Accepted in April 2024

[5]Y. Li, Y. Huang, H. Huang, FuMeAuth: Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication Using Fused Memory-Augmented Transformer Autoencoder, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3394437, Accepted in April 2024

[6]H. Qin, C. Gong, Y. Li*, M. A. El-Yacoubi, X. Gao, J. Wang, Attention Label Learning to Enhance Interactive Vein Transformer for Palm-Vein RecognitionIEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science, DOI: 10.1109/TBIOM.2024.3381654, Accepted in March 2024

[7]H. Ren, K. Liu, C. Liu, G. Yan, Y. Li, An Approximation Algorithm for Joint Data Uploading and Task Offloading in IoVIEEE Transactions on Consumer ElectronicsVolume 70, Issue 1, February 2024, Pages 3018-3030

[8]Z. Yang, Y. Li*, G. Zhou, Unsupervised Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication With Low-Rank Transformer Using Learning-to-Rank AlgorithmsIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3353209, Accepted in January 2024

[9]H. Qin, C. Fan, S. Deng, Y. Li*, M. A. El-Yacoubi, G. Zhou, AG-NAS: An Attention GRU-based Neural Architecture Search for Finger-Vein Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and SecurityVolume 19, December 2023, Pages 1699-1713

[10]H. Qin, H. Xi, Y. Li*, M. A. El-Yacoubi, J. Wang, X. Gao, Adversarial Learning-based Data Augmentation for Palm-vein Identification, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, DOI: 10.1109/TCSVT.2023.3334825, Accepted in November 2023

[11]Y. Li, L. Liu, H. Qin, S. Deng,  M. A. El-Yacoubi, G. Zhou, Adaptive Deep Feature Fusion for Continuous Authentication With Data Augmentation, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 22, Issue 10, October 2023, Pages 5690-5705

[12]Y. Li, J. Luo, S. Deng, G. Zhou, SearchAuth: Neural Architecture Search-based Continuous Authentication Using Auto Augmentation Search, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Volume 19, Issue 4, Article 92, July 2023, 23 Pages

[13]Q. Lü, K. Zhang, S. Deng, Y. Li, H. Li, S. Gao, Y. Chen, Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Dual Averaging for Online Optimization Over Directed Networks, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Volume 1, July 2023, Pages 79-91

[14]H. Qin, R. Hu, M. A. El-Yacoubi, Y. Li*, X. Gao, Local Attention Transformer-Based Full-View Finger-Vein Identification, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume 33, Issue 6, June 2023, Pages 2767-2782

[15]Z. Yang, Y. Li*, G. Zhou, TS-GAN: Time-series GAN for Sensor-based Health Data Augmentation, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare, Volume 4, Issue 2, Article 12, April 2023, 21 Pages

[16]H. Qin, C. Gong, Y. Li*, X. Gao, M. A. El-Yacoubi, Label Enhancement-Based Multiscale Transformer for Palm-Vein Recognition, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 72, Article 2509217, March 2023, 17 Pages

[17]Y. Li, S. Ruan, H. Qin, S. Deng, M. A. El-Yacoubi, Transformer Based Defense GAN Against Palm-Vein Adversarial Attacks,IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 18, February 2023, Pages 1509-1523

[18]H. Ren, K. Liu, G. Yan, Y. Li, C. Zhan, S. Guo, A Memetic Algorithm for Cooperative Complex Task Offloading in Heterogeneous Vehicular NetworksIEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 1, January-February 2023, Pages 189-204

[19]Y. Li, P. Tao, S. Deng, G. Zhou, DeFFusion: CNN-based Continuous Authentication Using Deep Feature FusionACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Volume 18, Issue 2, Article 18, May 2022, 20 Pages

[20]Y. Li, J. Luo, S. Deng, G. Zhou, CNN-Based Continuous Authentication on Smartphones With Conditional Wasserstein Generative Adversarial NetworkIEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 7, April 2022, Pages 5447-5460

[21]H. Qin, M. A. El-Yacoubi, Y. Li*, C. Liu, Multi-Scale and Multi-Direction GAN for CNN-Based Single Palm-Vein Identification, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 16,  March 2021, Pages 2652-2666

[22]H. Huang, D. Chen, Y. Li*IM-LDP: Incentive Mechanism of Mobile Crowd Sensing Based on Local Differential PrivacyIEEE Communications Letters, Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2021, Pages 960-964

[23]Y. Li, H. Hu, Z. Zhu, G. Zhou, SCANet: Sensor-based Continuous Authentication with Two-stream Convolutional Neural Networks, ACM Transactions on Sensor NetworksVolume 16, Issue 3, Article 29, July 2020, 27 Pages

[24]Y. Li, B. Zou, S. Deng, G. Zhou, Using Feature Fusion Strategies in Continuous Authentication on Smartphones, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 2, March-April 2020, Pages 49-56 (2020 Best Paper Award by IEEE Computer Society 2022)

[25]Y. Li, X. Peng, G. Zhou, H. Zhao, SmartJump: A Continuous Jump Detection Framework on Smartphones, IEEE Internet Computing, Volume 24, Issue 2, March-April 2020, Pages 18-26

[26]Y. Li, H. Hu, G. Zhou, Using Data Augmentation in Continuous Authentication on Smartphones, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1, February 2019, Pages 628-640

[27]X. Niu, H. Huang*, Y. Li*A Real-Time Data Collection Mechanism With Trajectory Privacy in Mobile Crowd-SensingIEEE Communications Letters, Volume 24, Issue 10, October 2020, Pages 2114-2118

[28]Q. Yang, G. Peng, P. Gasti, K. Balagani, Y. Li, G. Zhou, MEG: Memory and Energy Efficient Garbled Circuit Evaluation on Smartphones, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Volume 14, Issue 4, April 2019, Pages 913-922

[29]X. Qi, Q. Yang, D. T. Nguyen, G. Peng, G. Zhou, B. Dai, D. Zhang, Y. Li, A Context-Aware Framework for Reducing Bandwidth Usage of Mobile Video Chats, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, Volume 18, Issue 8, August 2016, Pages 1640-1649

[30]Y. Li, X. Qi, M. Keally, Z. Ren, G. Zhou, D. Xiao, Communication Energy Modeling and Optimization through Joint Packet Size Analysis of BSN and WiFi Networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Volume 24, Issue 9, September 2013, Pages 1741-1751








李新阳(硕士,2020.9-2023.6),美国休斯敦大学全奖博士生(Univ. of Houston)



谢天瀛(硕士,2017.9-2020.6),日本早稻田大学博士生(Waseda Univ.)

胡海龙(硕士,2016.9-2019.6),卢森堡大学全奖博士生(Univ. of Luxembourg)




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