
个人信息Personal Information


教师英文名称:Wenbo Li

教师拼音名称:Li Wenbo







联系方式:电子邮箱:wenbo_li@cqu.edu.cn 微信号:liwenbo681998





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个人简介Personal Profile

李文博,重庆大学机械与运载工程学院副教授,清华大学车辆与运载学院博士后,加拿大滑铁卢大学联合培养博士美国福特创新研发中心联合培养硕士长期从事于智能网联汽车智能座舱人机交互等前沿交叉领域研究。现任中国汽车工程学会智能座舱分会副秘书长中国汽车工程学会高级会员。近三年主持国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金,省部级及头部企业委托项目7项,参与国家重点研发计划等项目5项。在汽车智能座舱领域发表学术论文30余篇,起草团体标准5项、发明专利4参编学术专著1部主笔《汽车智能座舱分级与综合评价白皮书》等行业报告获中国机械工程学会突出贡献团队等荣誉,担任《节能与新能源汽车技术路线图3.0》汽车智能座舱专题人机交互关键技术工作组主要执笔人,Automotive Innovation期刊Guest Editor以及多个高水平期刊审稿人。












[1] Li, Wenbo*, Guofa Li, Ruichen Tan, Cong Wang, Zemin Sun, Ying Li, Gang Guo, Dongpu Cao, and Keqiang Li. "Review and Perspectives on Human Emotion for Connected Automated Vehicles." Automotive Innovation (2024): 1-41.

[2] Li, Wenbo, Dongpu Cao*, Ruichen Tan, Tianze Shi, Zhenhai Gao, Jun Ma, Gang Guo, Hongyu Hu, Jinshan Feng, and Lixin Wang. "Intelligent Cockpit for Intelligent Connected Vehicles: Definition, Taxonomy, Technology and Evaluation." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (2023). DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2023.3339798.

[3] Li, Wenbo, Ruichen Tan, Yang Xing, Guofa Li, Shen Li, Guanzhong Zeng, Peizhi WangBingbing Zhang, Xinyu Su, Dawei Pi, Gang Guo* and Dongpu Cao*. "A multimodal psychological, physiological and behavioural dataset for human emotions in driving tasks." Scientific Data 9, no. 1 (2022): 481.

[4] Li, Wenbo, Lei Wu, Cong Wang, Jiyong Xue, Wen Hu, Shen Li, Gang Guo, and Dongpu Cao*. "Intelligent cockpit for intelligent vehicle in metaverse: A case study of empathetic auditory regulation of human emotion." IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 53, no. 4 (2022): 2173-2187.

[5] Li, Wenbo, Yaodong Cui, Yintao Ma, Xingxin Chen, Guofa Li, Guanzhong Zeng, Gang Guo*, and Dongpu Cao. "A spontaneous driver emotion facial expression (defe) dataset for intelligent vehicles: Emotions triggered by video-audio clips in driving scenarios." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 14, no. 1 (2023): 747-760.

[6] Li, Wenbo, Jiyong Xue, Ruichen Tan, Cong Wang, Zejian Deng, Shen Li, Gang Guo*, and Dongpu Cao. "Global-local-feature-fused driver speech emotion detection for intelligent cockpit in automated driving." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 8, no. 4 (2023):2684-2697.

[7] Li, Wenbo, Yingzhang Wu, Huafei Xiao, Shen Li, Ruichen Tan, Zejian Deng, Wen Hu, Dongpu Cao, and Gang Guo*. "Brain-Inspired Driver Emotion Detection for Intelligent Cockpits Based on Real Driving Data." IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (2023).

[8] Li, Wenbo, Guanzhong Zeng, Juncheng Zhang, Yan Xu, Yang Xing, Rui Zhou, Gang Guo*, Yu Shen, Dongpu Cao, and Fei-Yue Wang. "Cogemonet: A cognitive-feature-augmented driver emotion recognition model for smart cockpit." IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems 9, no. 3 (2021): 667-678.

[9] Li, Wenbo, Bingbing Zhang, Peizhi Wang, Chen Sun, Guanzhong Zeng, Qiuyang Tang, Gang Guo*, and Dongpu Cao. "Visual-attribute-based emotion regulation of angry driving behaviors." IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 14, no. 3 (2021): 10-28.

[10] Wu, Yingzhang, Wenbo Li*, Yujing Liu, Guanzhong Zeng, Chengmou Li, Huamin Jin, Shen Li, and Gang Guo. "AI-enabled intelligent cockpit proactive affective interaction: middle-level feature fusion dual-branch deep learning network for driver emotion recognition." Advances in Manufacturing (2024): 1-14..


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