黎勇Yong Li

博士生导师 硕士生导师







主要研究兴趣为:信息论与编码、编码计算、视频/图像智能分析。目前主持国家级重点项目1项(经费千万元级)、企业委托项目1项、中央高校基本业务费项目2项。近年来先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、川渝联合实施重点研发项目、中国电子科技集团委托项目、陆军军医大学委托项目、华为委托项目、中央高校业务费项目、重庆市科委、教委等项目20余项,在IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEE Communications Letters, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters等国际SCI期刊上发表论文40余篇(其中JCR一区近30篇)。获国家发明专利8项、美国专利3项、软件著作权1项。


课题组研究经费充足,氛围融洽,2025年度计划招收3-4名硕士生(计算机、通信、数学等专业)、1-2名计算机、通信或数学背景的博士生(研究方向为:边缘计算、信道编码、大模型等),要求:如果是硕士生申请学术博士,需毕业于上一轮学科评估B+以上的985/211高校或者在CCF B类以上会议/期刊或在IEEE CL、IEEE WCL、IEEE Trans.等领域内高水平期刊以主要作者发表过相关论文。


  1. [1] Linqi Zou, Hao Yan, Jie Dong, Yong Li*, Pingping Chen, and Francis C. M. Lau. On Construction of Low-Density Parity-Check Codes for Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications. IEEE Trans. Communications, accepted.

  2. [2] Chen Yi, Linqi Zou, Yong Li*, Zhaoyang Qiu, Youqiang Hu*, Francis C.M. Lau. Error-Correcting Codes with Large Field Size under Non-Binary Segmented Burst Deletion/Insertion Channels and Unknown Codeword Boundaries. IEEE Trans. Communications, accepted.

  3. [3] Pingping Chen, Haoyu Chen, Long Shi, Zhijian Lin, Yong Li. Initial Chaotic Value-based Index Modulation for Wireless Communications. IEEE Trans. Communications, accepted.

  4. [4] Xuesong Han, Rui Liu*, Yong Li*, Chen Yi, Jiguang He, Ming Wang. Accelerating Neural BP-Based Decoder Using Coded Distributed Computing. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, accepted.

  5. [5] Peng Xu, Gaojie Chen, Zheng Yang, Yong Li*,Stefano Tomasin. Multiple Access Wiretap Channel With Partial Rate-Limited Feedback.  IEEE Trans.  Information Forensics and Security, 2024, 19, 3279-3294.

  6.        [6] Peng Xu, Jun Yang, Gaojie Chen, Zheng Yang, Yong Li, Moe Z. Win. Physical-Layer Secret and Private Key Generation in Wireless Relay Networks With Correlated Eavesdropping Channels. IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2024, 19, 985-1000.

  7.        [7] Peng Xu, Jianping Quan, Gaojie Chen, Zheng Yang, Yong Li, Ioannis Krikidis. A Novel Link Selection in Coordinated Direct and Buffer-Aided Relay Transmission. IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications,  2023, 22, 3296-3309.

  8.        [8]  Chen Yi, Xiang Sun, Tianqi Zhang, Chunguo Li, Yong Li*, and Zhi Ding. Random Interleaving Pattern Identification From Interleaved Reed-Solomon Code Symbols. IEEE Trans. Communications, 2022, 70, .

  9.        [9] Peng Xu, Wenqi Niu, Gaojie Chen, Yong Li*, Yonghui Li. Performance Analysis of RIS-Assisted Systems With Statistical Channel State Information. IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, 2022, 71, 1089 - 1094.

  10. [10]Zhiqin Zhu, Yaqin Luo, Guanqiu Qi, Jun Meng, Yong Li*, and Neal Mazur. Remote Sensing Image Defogging Networks Based on Dual Self-Attention Boost Residual Octave Convolution. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 3104.

  11. [11]Yunde Duan, Yong Li*. An Improved Decoding Algorithm to Decode Quadratic Residue Codes Based on the Difference of Syndromes. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2020, 66, 5995-6000.

  12. [12]Yong Li*, Xiang Huang, Jiguang He, Hongqing Liu, Trieu-Kien Truong. On soft-decision decoding of RS codes in burst-error channels. IEEE Trans. Communications, 2019, 67, 50-60.

  13. [13]Yong Li*, Yunde Duan, Hongqing Liu, Trieu-Kien Truong. Using syndromes difference to decode Quadratic Residue codes of lengths less than 100. IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 2018, 64, 5179-5190.

  14. [14]Tsung-Ching Lin, Liming Hou, Hongqing Liu, Yong Li, Trieu-Kien Truong. Reconstruction of Single Image from Multiple Blurry Measured Images. IEEE Trans. Image Processing, 2018, 27, 2762-2776.

  15. [15]J. He, Y. Li, G. Wu, S. Qian, and T. Matsumoto. Performance Improvement of Joint Source-Channel Coding with Unequal Power Allocation. IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2017, 6, 582-585.

  16. [16]Yong Li, Gaoming Chen, Hsin-Chiu Chang, Qianbin Chen, Trieu-Kien Truong. An improved decoding algorithm of the (71, 36, 11) quadratic residue code without determining unknown syndromes. IEEE Trans. Communications, 2015, 63, 4607-4614.

  17. [17]Yong Li*, Pengwei Zhang, Lin Wang, Trieu-Kien Truong. Comments on 'on decoding of the (89, 45, 17) Quadratic Residue Code'. IEEE Trans. Communications, 2015, 63, 578-579.

  18. [18]Yong Li*, Hongqing Liu, Qianbin Chen, Trieu-Kien Truong. On decoding of the (73, 37, 13) Quadratic Residue Code. IEEE Trans. Communications, 2014, 62, 2615-2625.

  19. [19]Yong Li*, Lin Wang, Zhi Ding. An Integrated Linear Programming Receiver for LDPC Coded MIMO-OFDM Signals. IEEE Trans. Communications, 2013, 61, 2816-2827.

  20. [20]Lin Wang, Yong Li, Trieu-Kien Truong, Tsung-Ching Lin. On decoding of the (89, 45, 17) Quadratic Residue Code. IEEE Trans. on Communications, 2013, 61, 832-841.
















[1] 2009.9-2012.12
厦门大学 | 通信与信息系统 | 博士研究生毕业 | 工学博士学位
[2] 2003.9-2006.7
厦门大学 | 通信与信息系统 | 硕士研究生毕业 | 工学硕士学位
[3] 1999.9-2003.7
重庆邮电学院 | 电子信息工程 | 大学本科毕业 | 工学学士学位


[1] 2018.12-至今
[2] 2013.9-2014.3
[3] 2017.1-2018.11
[4] 2013.1-2016.12
[5] 2007.3-2009.8
[6] 2006.8-2007.2



