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- 张卢腾,马在勇,张亚培(外),苏光辉(外),孙皖,步珊珊,潘良明.Experimental study and model development for the high-Rayleigh-number corium pool with heat and mass transfer:INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2019,138):304-313
- 牛璐,陈兴亚(外),牛璐(外),孙皖,陈双涛(外),侯予(外).Non-equilibrium spontaneous condensation flow in cryogenic turbo-expander based on mean streamline off-design method:CRYOGENICS,2019,98):18-28
- 孙皖,陈双涛(外),侯予(外),步珊珊,马在勇,张卢腾,潘良明.Numerical studies on two-phase flow in cryogenic radial-inflow turbo-expander using varying condensation models:APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2019,156):168-177
- 马在勇,张卢腾,孙皖,步珊珊,潘良明.A study on the density wave oscillation relative stability turning point of uniform and cosine heat flux profiles in parallel channels:ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY,2019,127):111-119
- 马在勇,张卢腾,步珊珊,孙皖,陈德奇,潘良明.A study of the heat flux profile effect on parallel channel density wave oscillation in sodium heated heat exchanger:PROGRESS IN NUCLEAR ENERGY,2019,112):135-145
- 马在勇,Suizheng Qiu(外),张卢腾,步珊珊,孙皖,潘良明.A best-estimated correlation for prediction of nucleation radius in sodium boiling:NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN,2019,345):40-46
- 步珊珊,陈波(学),田兴(外),孙皖,马在勇,张卢腾.接触模式对球床堆有效导热系数影响的数值分析:西安交通大学学报,2019,53(7):69-73
- 王杰,步珊珊,王杰(学),孙皖,马在勇,潘良明.规则球床堆有效导热系数的实验测量研究:/,2018
- 张尚,王杰(学),张尚(学),步珊珊,孙皖,马在勇,潘良明.物性参数对球床堆传热模型不确定度的影响分析:NONE,2018
- 张卢腾,苏光辉(外),马在勇,步珊珊,孙皖,潘良明.二维瞬态熔融池传热特性分析程序开发与验证:/,2018
- 张卢腾,张亚培(外),苏光辉(外),马在勇,步珊珊,孙皖,潘良明.Numerical simulation for the heat transfer in two-layer corium pool in HPR1000 reactor:/,2018
- 张卢腾,马在勇,苏光辉(外),步珊珊,孙皖,潘良明.Comparison of thermal behavior in two-layer pool with prototypical corium and simulant materials:/,2018
- 张卢腾,马在勇,张亚培(外),苏光辉(外),步珊珊,孙皖,潘良明.Transient heat transfer in internally heated corium pool:APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018,145):476-482
- 孙皖,牛璐(外),步珊珊,马在勇,潘良明,侯予(外).Numerical Investigation for Non-Equilibrium Condensation Two-Phase Flow in Cryogenic Turbo-Expander:Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University,2018,52(2):125-129 and 135