Lai Zou


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现任中国机械工程学会生产工程分会磨粒加工专委会常务委员,全国金属切削机床标准化技术委员会砂带磨削装备标准创新工作组成员。2015年7月获哈尔滨工业大学航空宇航制造工程专业工学博士学位,曾赴美国Columbia University、The Ohio State University短期访学交流。2015年9月入职重庆大学机械工程学院,2017年9月晋升副教授、遴选为硕导,2018年6月遴选为博导,2022年9月晋升教授,2023年6月获评重庆市“巴渝青年学者”,2024年9月获评重庆大学“优秀青年教师”。主讲本科生课程《精密与特种加工技术》、《现代设计方法》、《机械设计》,研究生课程《精密与超精密加工技术》。 











1、 科研项目


2、 科技奖励


3、 学术成果

近五年,以一作/通讯作者身份在《Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing》、《Journal of Materials Processing Technology》、《 IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics》、《Advanced Engineering Informatics》、《Aerospace Science and Technology》等高水平期刊发表SCI论文35篇(中科院1/2区论文27篇、TOP18篇),以及《机械工程学报》、《光学精密工程》、《航空学报》等中文期刊论文12篇。授权国家发明专利20余项,美国专利2项;登记软件著作权3项;参与制定机械行业标准2项。


[1] Heng Li, Lai Zou*, Chong Lv, Lin Gui, Wenxi Wang, Yun Huang. Collaborative improvement of profile accuracy and aerodynamic performance in robotic grinding of transonic compressor blade leading edge [J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024, 146: 108937.

[2] Kefei Qian, Lai Zou*, Zhiwen Wang, Wenxi Wang. Metallic surface defect recognition network based on global feature aggregation and dual context decoupled head [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 2024, 158: 111589.

[3] Ziling Wang, Lai Zou*, Yilin Mu, Heng Li, Wenxi Wang, Yun Huang. Region-Based Force Control Strategy for Improving Profile Accuracy of Blade on 7-Axis Linkage Robotic Grinding System [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024, 29(3): 1960-1971.

[4] Jing Zhao, Lai Zou*, Yingjie Liu, Wenxi Wan, Zhiyuan Zhang. Investigation of friction and wear behavior of titanium alloy-diamond based on the morphology evolution of single abrasive clusters [J]. Wear, 2024, 546-547: 205357.

[5] Ziling Wang, Lai Zou*, Junjie Zhang, Heng Li, Wenxi Wang, Yun Huang. Tool axis vector optimization for robotic grinding based on measured point cloud of complex curved blade [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024, 62: 102716.

[6] Jiangyang Li, Lai Zou*Guoyue Luo, Wenxi Wang, Chong Lv. Enhancement and evaluation in path accuracy of industrial robot for complex surface grinding [J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing2023, 81: 102521.

[7] Chong Lv, Lai Zou*, Yun Huang, Heng Li, Tingting Wang, Yilin Mu. A Novel Toolpath for Robotic Adaptive Grinding of Extremely Thin Blade Edge Based on Dwell Time Model [J]. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics2022, 27(6): 4429-4439.

[8] Qinghong Wan, Lai Zou*, Congcong Han, Wenxi Wang, Kefei Qian, Jing Ou. A U-net-based intelligent approach for belt morphology quantification and wear monitoring [J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology2022, 306: 117652.

[9] Ziling Wang, Lai Zou*, Guoyue Luo, Chong Lv, Yun Huang. A novel selected force controlling method for improving robotic grinding accuracy of complex curved blade [J]. ISA Transactions2022, 129: 642-658.

[10] Chong Lv, Lai Zou*, Yun Huang, Xifan Liu, Zhaorui Li, Mingwang Gong, Heng Li. A trajectory planning method on error compensation of residual height for aero-engine blades of robotic belt grinding [J]. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics2022, 35(4): 508-520.

[11] Congcong Han, Ming Zhou*, Lai Zou*, Jianmin Dong, Mingwang Gong, Yutong Li, Wenxi Wang. Study on subsurface damage and recrystallization of single crystal superalloy in scratching with single diamond grain [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes2022, 81: 301-310.

[12] Guoyue Luo, Lai Zou*, Ziling Wang, Chong Lv, Jing Ou, Yun HuangA novel kinematic parameters calibration method for industrial robot based on Levenberg-Marquardt and Differential Evolution hybrid algorithm [J]. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing2021, 71: 102165.

[13] Jing Ou, Lai Zou*, Qinghong Wan, Xin Liu, Yingjie LiWeld-seam identification and model reconstruction of remanufacturing blade based on three-dimensional vision [J]. Advanced Engineering Informatics2021, 49: 101300.

[14] Tingting Wang, Lai Zou*, Qinghong Wan, Xinghao Zhang, Yingjie Li, Yun HuangA high-precision prediction model of surface roughness in abrasive belt flexible grinding of aero-engine blade [J]. Journal of Manufacturing Processes2021, 66: 364-375.

[15] Ziling Wang, Lai Zou*, Xiaojie Su, Guoyue Luo, Rui Li, Yun Huang. Hybrid force/position control in workspace of robotic manipulator in uncertain environments based on adaptive fuzzy control [J]. Robotics and Autonomous Systems2021, 145: 103870.

[16] 王亚茹, 李英杰, 邹莱*, 韩聪聪李昱潼. RB-SiC金刚石磨粒柔性刻划材料去除及表面损伤行为. 光学精密工程2022, 30(14): 1704-1715.

[17] 王文玺*, 黄云, 刘占芳, 邹莱, 吕冲. 大曲率表面机器人高速磨削中的陀螺力矩分析机械工程学报2022, 58(15): 208-215.

[18] 罗戈山邹莱*, 黄云龚明旺. 氧化铝空心球砂带磨削钛合金的材料去除及表面质量研究中国机械工程2020, 31(19): 2363-2370.


[1] 一种叶片极薄边缘机器人高精度磨抛轨迹规划方法,ZL202211394808.3授权

[2] 一种Voronoi多孔结构智能生成方法ZL202210727064.6授权

[3] 一种柔性精密磨削操作平台,ZL202110254618.0授权

[4] 一种自动磨削分区加工力控方法,ZL202111509797.4授权

[5] 一种自动化砂带磨削装置,ZL201910609717.9授权

[6] 一种主被动柔顺机构切换的砂带磨削装置,ZL201911161192.3授权

[7] 一种工件坐标系的标定方法及相关装置,ZL202010716548.1授权


[1] 复杂曲面机器人精密加工仿真软件V1.0,2019SR1115035,原始取得,全部权利。

[2] 虚拟在线机器人加工仿真平台V1.0,2019SR1119428,原始取得,全部权利。

[3] 基于混合现实与位姿测量的机器人轨迹规划系统,2022SR1063505,原始取得,全部权利。


[1] 单晶空心涡轮叶片机器人高精度低损伤柔性磨削技术基础研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目。

[2] 航空发动机叶片磨削质量智能数据库研究中国航发沈阳黎明航空发动机有限责任公司。

[3] 表面处理对单晶涡轮叶片表面完整性和疲劳性能影响的研究,中国航发集团创新基金。

[4] 单晶高温合金叶片高效精密砂带磨削机理及表层再结晶损伤抑制方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目。

[5] 面向形性控制的航发再制造叶片机器人自适应磨削加工方法研究,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目

[6] 航空发动机整体叶盘自适应数控砂带精密磨削技术研究,中国航发集团创新基金。