Paper Publications
- 王磊,金方俊(学),陈家伟,Gao, Y(外),Du, X(外),Zhang, ZH(外),Xu, ZL(外),Yang, JM(外).Performance improvement for large floating wind turbine by using a non-linear pitch system based on neuro-adaptive fault-tolerant control:IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION,2022,16):1636-1648
- 陈杰,张新颖(外),陈杰(外),杨一茜(外),陈新(外).Impedance modelling and grid integration stability evaluation of three-phase virtual synchronous generator:IET POWER ELECTRONICS,2022,15(1):80-91
- 陈杰,白晗(外),陈杰(外),龚春英(外).A Novel Parallel Configured 48-Pulse Autotransformer Rectifier for Aviation Application:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS,2022,37(2):2125-2138
- 宋清超,宋清超(学),蔡坤城(学),陈杰(外).多电飞机用燃料电池-蓄电池-超级电容混合供电系统的高可靠动态功率分配技术:电工技术学报,2021
- 王磊,张磊(学),柯建波(学),邓帆(学),陈家伟,wenxian yang(外).Design of an individual pitch controller for offshore wind turbines based on neuro-adaptive control:IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION,2021,14(14):3500-3507
- 宋清超,宋清超(学),陈家伟.A Decentralized Energy Management Strategy for a Fuel Cell-Battery Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Composite Control:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS,2021,68):5486-5496
- 曾韬,曾韬(学),Dong Hao(外),Dongpu Cao(外),陈家伟,Jinrui Chen(外),Jin Li(外).Data-driven approach for short-term power demand prediction of fuel cell hybrid vehicles:ENERGY,2020,208):-
- 陈杰,沈玉婷(外),陈杰(外),白涵(外),龚春英(外),Fred Wang(外).Evaluation on the Autoconfigured Multipulse AC/DC Rectifiers and Their Application in More Electric Aircrafts:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION,2020,6(4):1721-1739
- 江军,王凯(外),江军(外),陈家伟,Cotton Ian(外),陈杰(外),陈露佳(外),张潮海(外).Optical Sensing of Partial Discharge in More Electric Aircraft:IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL,2020,20(21):12723-12731
- zhaokai,赵凯(学).Adaptive Neural Quantized Control of MIMO Nonlinear Systems Under Actuation Faults and Time-Varying Output Constraints:IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS,2020,31(9):3471-3481
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