主要从事以机械/结构动力学调控为基础的高端机械装备中的超性能结构、以声学传感为基础的机器人高性能感知探测,以振动声学检测为基础的故障诊断等智能无人系统(车辆、机器人、高端机械装备等)的前沿共性技术研究。主持国家级项目4项(包括JKW16*与17*基础加强重点项目2项),省部级项目4项,累积主持经费近2000万元。以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文35篇,高被引论文2篇,获“领跑者 5000 中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”称号。
担任国家自然科学基金委专刊《Fundamental Research》青年编委、《Noise and vibration control in Danamic Systems》(2021)、《Analytical Simulation of Structural Acoustics and Vibration》(2020)客座编辑,担任《Applied Acoustics》、《Applied Physics Letter》、《物理学报》、《振动与冲击》等国内外学术期刊的评审专家;在多届全国性会议中做学术报告或者担任分会报告的主持人;组织第29届全国振动噪声会议(2020);担任第十八届全国非线性振动暨第十五届全国非线性动力学和运动稳定性学术会议(2021),第一届全国超材料大会等会议(2019)等分会报告主持;担任中国人工智能学会智能感知与决策专委会会员、中国振动工程学会振动与噪声控制专业委员会委员。
(1) **重点项目,基于新型***材料的低噪声*驱动电机研究,2023-12至2025-10,971万元,在研,主持
(2) **重点研究计划,大功率***多物理场耦合***模型重构,2021-11至2025-11,294万元,在研,主持
(3) 国防科技创新特区,高流速高声强下**宽带吸声方法,2020-12至2022-11,120万元,结题,主持
(4) 国家自然科学基金委,参数化与非参数化不确定混合的声固耦合系统高精度数值方法研究,2018-01至2020-12,主持
(5) 中国汽车技术研究中心有限公司,车载端声振信号监测与诊断系统开发与加工,2023-02至2023-12,100.4万元,主持
(6) 贵州省产业支撑计划,智能超宽钢-混组合连续梁架桥机的研制与示范,2021-01至2023-12,主持
(7) 中国博士后科学基金委(一等),多机理耦合的低频宽带吸声超材料理论与设计研究,2018-08至2020-09,主持
(8) 中央高校基本科研业务费用(重点项目),不确定复合声学超材料的吸声理论与优化设计研究,2020-01至2021-12,主持
(9) 装备预研重点实验室,声学超材料智能降噪理论与方法研究,2020-01至2021-12,主持
(10) 中国航空工业集团公司哈尔滨空气动力研究所,高声强下声学超材料型直升机壁板超低频宽带降噪方法研究,2022-06至2024-05,主持
[1] Wu Fei, Xiao Yong, Yu Dian Long, et al. Low-frequency sound absorption of hybrid absorber based on micro-perforated panel and coiled-up channels[J]. Applied Physics Letters, 2019, 114(15): 151901.
[2] Zhang Xiao, Wu Fei*, Yan Shanlin, et al. A tunable slit-plate absorber with multiparameter cooperative control[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 195: 111502.
[3] Hui, Xindan, Lirong Tang, Dewen Zhang, Shanlin Yan, Dongxiao Li, Jie Chen, Fei Wu*, Zhong Lin Wang, and Hengyu Guo. "Acoustically Enhanced Triboelectric Stethoscope for Ultrasensitive Cardiac Sounds Sensing and Disease Diagnosis[J].Advanced Materials 2024: 2401508.
[4] Wu Fei, Ju Zegang, Geng Ziteng, et al. Low frequency and broadband sound attenuation by meta-liner under grazing flow and high sound intensity[J]. AIP Advances, 2022, 12: 085109.
[5] Zhao Jiang, Wu Fei*,Ju Zegang, et al. Neck-embedded acoustic meta-liner for the broadband sound-absorbing under the grazing flow with a wide speed range[J]. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56: 045401.
[6] Wu Fei, Zhou Guo, Gu Qiyuan, et al. An enriched finite element method with interpolation cover functions for acoustic analysis in high frequencies[J]. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2021, 129: 67-81
[7] Wu Fei, Chen kai, Wang Tingying, et al. Stochastic hybrid perturbation technique-based smoothed finite element-statistical energy method for mid-frequency analysis of structure–acoustic systems with parametric and nonparametric uncertainties[J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019, 349: 522-549.
[8] Wu Fei, Chen Yongji, Yao Lingyun, et al. The development of hybrid ES-FE-SEA method for mid-frequency vibration analysis of complex built-up structure[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 64: 298-319.
[9] Wu Fei, Gong Mingqian, Ji Jie, et al. Interval and subinterval perturbation finite element-boundary element method for low-frequency uncertain analysis of structural-acoustic systems[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, 462: 114939.
[10] Hu, Ke, Wu Fei* Zhenfei Zhan, Jun Luo, and Huayan Pu. "High-low level task combination for object detection in foggy weather conditions." Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 98 (2024): 104042.
常年招收4-5名研究生,1-2名博士生。联系方式:wufeifrank@cqu.cn 微信号:314251835。