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Scientific Research
Paper Publications
(29). Relative bifurcation sets and the local dimension of univoque bases, (with Pieter Allaart), Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems 41 (2021), 2241–2273.
(28). Pointwise densities of homogeneous Cantor measure and critical values, (with Wenxia Li and Yuanyuan Yao), Nonlinearity 34 (2021), 2350–2380.
(27). On a kind of self-similar sets with complete overlaps, (with Yuanyuan Yao), Acta Math. Hungar. 163 (2) (2021), 601–622.
(26). Multiple codings for self-similar sets with overlaps, (with Karma Dajani, Kan Jiang and Wenxia Li), Adv. in Appl. Math. 124 (2021), 102146, 49pp.
(25). Univoque bases of real numbers: local dimension, Devil's staircase and isolated points, (with Wenxia Li, Fan Lv, Zhiqiang Wang and Jiayi Xu), Adv. in Appl. Math. 121 (2020), 102103, 31pp.
(24). Critical base for the unique codings of fat Sierpinski gasket, (with Wenxia Li), Nonlinearity 33 (2020), 4484–4511.
(23). Two bifurcation sets arising from the beta transformation with a hole at 0, (with Simon Baker), Indag. Math. 3 (2020), 436–449.
(22). On the complexity of the set of codings for self-similar sets and a variation on the construction of Champernowne, (with Simon Baker), Adv. Math., 360(2020), 106934, 29pp.
(21). The beta-transformation with a hole at 0, (with Charlene Kalle, Niels Langeveld and Wenxia Li), Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems, 40 (2020), 2482–2514.
(20). Bifurcation sets arising from non-integer base expansions, (with Pieter Allaart and Simon Baker). J. Fractal Geometry, 6-4 (2019), 301–341.
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