Qr code
Peihan Wen

Associate Professor

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


School/Department:Management Science and Real Estate

Business Address:Office 430, Management Engineering Building, Chongqing University (Campus B)


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Engineering


Alma Mater:Tsinghua University

Discipline:Management Science and Engineering


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Dr. Wen, Peihan is an associate professor of the School of Management Science and Real Estate at Chongqing University, China. He received a BEng degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation in 2004, and a PhD degree in Management Science and Engineering in 2010, both from Tsinghua University, China. He has published over 50 referred SCI/SSCI/EI papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conference proceedings. His current research interests encompass Knowledge Graph and Complex NetworksInformation Systems and Intelligent InteractionSmart Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Dr. Wen is a director of the Chinese Ergonomics Society (CES), a committee member and deputy secretary general of the Technical Committee (TC) of Intelligent Interaction and Experience in the CES, a senior member of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics (CSTE), and a committee member of the TC of Engineering Construction Management in the CSTE, as well as a standing director of Tsinghua Alumni Association of Department of Industrial Engineering.

Research Framework

OBJECT: Smart Service Systems

TECHNIQUES: Knowledge Graph, Complex Networks

DOMAINS: Production, Logistics, Operation

THOUGHTS: Systematism, Leanization, Informatization, Collaboratization

SUBJECTS: Operations Research, Data Mining, Network Analysis, Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction

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Selected Papers

Wen, Peihan*; Wu, Junlin; Wu, Yufan; Fu, Yuan. (2024). A novel synthetical hierarchical community paradigm for social network division from the perspective of information ecosystem. Technology in Societyhttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2023.102172

Wen, Peihan*; Ma, Yan; Wang, Ruiquan. (2023). Systematic knowledge modeling and extraction methods for manufacturing process planning based on knowledge graph. Advanced Engineering Informatics. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2023.102172

Wen, Peihan*; Chen, Mo. (2023). A new model for elderly emotional care routing and scheduling with multi-agency and the combination of nearby services. International Journal of Human-Computer Interactionhttps://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2022.2050544

Wen, Peihan*; Feng, Linhan; Zhang, Tian. (2022). A hybrid Chinese word segmentation model for quality management-related texts based on transfer learning. PLoS Onehttps://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0270154

Wen, Peihan*; Wang, Ruiquan. (2022). Does knowledge structure matter? Key factors influencing formal and informal knowledge sharing in manufacturing. Journal of Knowledge Managementhttps://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0270154


UNDERGRADUATES: Knowledge Graph, Project Risk Management, Management Information Systems, System Engineering, Fundamentals of Management, Organizational Behavior, Fundamental Industrial Engineering, Human Factors and Ergonomics, etc.

GRADUATES: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Enterprise Resource Planning, Information Management and Information Systems, Logistics System Analysis, Complex Network Analysis, Introduction to Algorithms, etc.

Educational Experience

  • 2000.8 -- 2004.7

    Tsinghua University       Mechanical Engineering and Automation       Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree)       Bachelor's Degree in Engineering

  • 2004.8 -- 2010.7

    Tsinghua University       Management Science and Engineering       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral Degree in Engineering

Work Experience

  • 2019.7 -- Now

    Chongqing University      School of Management Science and Real Estate      Associate Professor, PhD Supervisor

  • 2013.10 -- 2014.10

    The Pennsylvania State University (University Park), U.S.      Harold and Inge Marcus Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering      Visiting Scholar

  • 2010.7 -- 2019.6

    Chongqing University      College of Mechanical Engineering      Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

Social Affiliations

  • Director of the Chinese Ergonomics Society (CES), Deputy Secretary General of the Technical Committee of Intelligent Interaction and Experience in the CES

  • Senior Member of the Chinese Society of Technology Economics (CSTE), Committee Member of the Technical Committee of Engineering Construction Management in the CSTE

  • Standing Director of Tsinghua Alumni Association of Department of Industrial Engineering

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