· Personal Information
Name (English):Hao Yi
Professional Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Discipline: Mechanical Manufacture and AutomationMechanical Design and Theory
· Other Contact Information:
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· Personal Profile
Dr. Hao Yi is an Associate Professor (Doctoral supervisor) in the College of Mechanical Engineering at Chongqing University, China. He is serving as Editorial Board Member of Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Rapid Prototyping Journal, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, Advanced Engineering Materials, etc. Hi...
· Education Experience
- 2014.9 ~ 2019.6
-  Northwestern Polytechnical University  -  Mechanical Engineering  -  Doctoral degree  -  Postgraduate (Doctoral) 
- 2017.9 ~ 2019.3
-  University of Toronto  -  Mechanical Engineering  -  Visiting Scholar 
- 2012.9 ~ 2014.7
-  Northwestern Polytechnical University  -  Mechanical Engineering  -  Master's degree  -  Postgraduate (Master's Degree) 
- 2008.9 ~ 2012.7
-  Northwest A&F University  -  Mechanical Engineering  -  Bachelor's degree  -  Undergraduate (Bachelor’s degree) 
· Work Experience
- 2024.5-Now
- High-tech Research and Development Center - 先进制造与网络项目处 - 专项主管
- 2022.9-Now
- Chongqing University - College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering - Associate Professor
- 2020.9-Now
- Chongqing University - College of Mechanical Engineering - Doctoral Supervisor
- 2019.7-2022.8
- Chongqing University - College of Mechanical Engineering - Assistant Professor
· Social Affiliations
- Editorial Board Member, Virtual and Physical Prototyping (SCI)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (SCI)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Rapid Prototyping Journal (SCI)
- Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (SCI)
- International Advisory Board, Advanced Engineering Materials (SCI)
- Associate Editor, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (SCI)
- Editorial Advisory Board Member, Soldering & Surface Mount Technology (SCI)
- Associate Editor, Experimental Techniques (SCI)
- Principal Reviewer, Welding in the World (SCI)
- Associate Editor, Micro & Nano Letters (SCI)
- Youth Editor, International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing (SCI)
- Youth Editor, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SCI)
- Editorial Board Member, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering (SCI)
- 全国增材制造标准化技术委员会委员(TC562)
- Committee, National Technical Committee for Standardization of Electric Welding Machines
- Committee, Additive Manufacturing Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
- Committee, Extreme Manufacturing Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
- Committee, Smart Factory Professional Committee of China Graphics Society
- Reviewer for over 60 SCI-indexed journals related to Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science
- International Technical Committee Members for Serveral International Conferences
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