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教师拼音名称:Chen Lihui









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个人简介Personal Profile

陈黎辉,1996年4月出生,2014年进入四川大学电子信息学院学习,并通过“3+2+3”本硕博连读培养获得信息与通信工程专业博士学位。2021年8月-2024年8月,于意大利国家研究院进行联合博士培养,合作导师Gemine Vivone, Jocelyn Chanussot (IEEE Fellow)。在IEEE TNNLS、IEEE TGRS、IEEE TII、IEEE JSTARS等期刊上发表学术论文30余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目、国家资助博士后人员计划(C档)、博士后面上项目、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、中央高校基金和课题等多个项目。担任IEEE TNNLS、 IEEE TGRS、IEEE GRSL、Information Fusion、IEEE TII、IEEE SPL等期刊审稿专家。


  1. 基于深度动态模型的开放场景光谱图像融合,国家自然科学基金青年项目2024.1-2026.12,主持
  2. 通用多源遥感图像融合大模型技术研究,国家资助博士后人员计划C档,2024.1-2025.12,主持
  3. 面向遥感图像融合超分辨率的强泛化深度模型研究,博后面上基金,2023.8-2025.7,主持
  4. 面向山火监测的热红外遥感数据预处理技术研究,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,2024.7-2026.6,主持
  5. xxxxxx,中央高校科研业务经费国防专项,2024.7-2025.6, 主持
  6. 高时效高精度数据传输、融合与决策机制研究,中央高校科研业务经费,2023.5-2024.5,课题负责人


  1. M. Ashraf; Lihui Chen; N. Innab; M. Umer; J. Baili; T. Kim; I. Ashraf, “Novel 3D Deep Neural Network Architecture for Crop Classification Using Remote Sensing-Based Hyperspectral Images”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topic in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 2024. (JCR Q1, 中科院2Top)

  2. F. Liu, A. Jiang, L. Chen*, “A Multi-Scale Channel Attention Network with Federated Learning for Magnetic Resonance Image Super-Resolution”, Multimedia System, 2024 (JCR Q1, 中科院3区)

  3. X. Zhou, F. Liang, L. Chen*, et. al, "MeSAM: Multiscale Enhanced Segment Anything Model for Optical Remote Sensing Images," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3398038, 2024. (JCR Q1, 中科院1)

  4.  L. Chen, G. Vivone, J. Qin, J. Chanussot, and X. Yang, “Spectral-spatial Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Sharpening,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, (JCR Q1 , 中科院 1 Top)

  5. L. Chen, G. Vivone, Z. Nie, J. Chanussot, and X. Yang, “Spatial Data Augmentation: Improving the Generalization of Neural Networks for Pansharpening,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2023. ( JCR Q1, 中科院1)

  6. L. Chen, Z. Lai, G. Vivone, G. Jeon, J. Chanussot, and X. Yang, “ArbRPN: A Bidirectional Recurrent Pansharpening Network for Multispectral Images with Arbitrary Numbers of Bands,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 60 pp. 1–18, 2022. (JCR Q1, 中科院1)

  7. L. Chen, G. Vivone, J. Qin, J. Chanussot, and X. Yang, “Spectral-spatial Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Sharpening,” IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022, (遥感顶会, Oral)

  8. L. Chen, R. Tang, M. Anisetti, and X. Yang, “A lightweight iterative error reconstruction network for infrared image super-resolution in smart grid,” Sustainable Cities and Society, vol. 66, 2020 ( JCR Q1, 中科院1Top)

  9. L. Chen, X. Yang, G. Jeon, M. Anisetti, and K. Liu, “A trusted medical image super-resolution method based on feedback adaptive weighted dense network,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 106, Jun. 2020. (JCR Q1, 中科院1)

  10. Ashraf M, Zhou X, Vivone G, Chen L*, Chen R, Majdard RS., “Spatial-Spectral BERT for Hyperspectral Image Classification,Remote Sensing. 2024; 16(3):539. (JCR Q1, 中科院2)

  11. Mahmood A., L. Chen, X. Zhou, and AR. Muhammad,A Joint Architecture of Mixed-Attention Transformer and Octave Module for Hyperspectral Image Denoising”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topic in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 2024. (JCR Q1, 中科院2Top)

  12. Xiangfei Shen, Lihui Chen, Haijun Liu, Xi Su, Wenjia Wei, Xia Zhu, Xichuan Zhou, Efficient Hyperspectral Sparse Regression Unmixing With Multilayers. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 61: 1-14, 2023. ( JCR Q1, 中科院1Top)

  13. J. Qin, L. Chen, S. Jeon, X. Yang, “Progressive Interaction-learning Network for Lightweight Single-Image Super-Resolution in Industrial Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatic, 2022, ( JCR Q1, 中科院1Top)

  14. Jian L, Wu S, Chen L, Vivone G, Rayhana R, Zhang D., “Multi-Scale and Multi-Stream Fusion Network for Pansharpening,” Remote Sensing, 2023; 15(6). (JCR Q1, 中科院2)

  15. Z. Nie, L. Chen, X. Yang, S. Jeon, “Spectral-Spatial Interaction Network for Pansharpening,” Remote Sensing, 2022, (JCR Q1, 中科院2)

  16. J. Qin, L. Chen, K. Liu, G. Jeon and X. Yang, “Spatial-Temporal Feature Refine Network for Single Image Super-Resolution,” Applied Intelligence, 2022.  (JCR Q2, 中科院2)

  17. Z. Lai, L. Chen, Z. Liu, and X. Yang, “Gradient Guided Pyramidal Convolution Residual Network with Interactive Connections for Pan-sharpening,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 1–31, Aug. 2021. (JCR Q2, 中科院3)

  18. L. Lu, L. Chen, Z. Zheng, Y. Yu, and X. Yang, “Behavior of the LMS algorithm with hyperbolic secant cost,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, p. 18, 2020. (JCR Q1区, 中科院2区)

  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
    2023.1 至今
    • 重庆大学
  • 研究方向Research Focus
  • 社会兼职Social Affiliations