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张志飞,教授,博士生导师,河南南乐人,主要从事汽车声学振动舒适性与控制、智能汽车动力学与控制、车辆结构优化设计等的研究。承担汽车理论、汽车设计、汽车动力学等专业课程教学。主持国家自然科学基金2项,参与完成国家自然科学基金项目3项,主持和主研省部级科技攻关项目5项,承担企业技术攻关项目多项。在国内外SCI/EI学术期刊上发表了学术论文80余篇,获得教育部、重庆市科技进步奖、自然科学奖4次(高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖科学技术进步奖二等奖 1 项,重庆市科技进步二等奖 1 项,重庆市自然科学三等奖 2 项),获得高等教育(研究生)国家级教学成果奖二等奖1项,重庆市教学成果奖一等奖1项。









[1] S. Cao, Z. Zhang*, Q. Zhang, Z. Xu, W. Lin. Energy transfer characteristics of sunroof wind buffeting noise via dynamic mode decomposition[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023. 555: 117724.

[2] Z. Tang, M. Zan, Z. Zhang*, Z. Xu, E. Xu. Operational transfer path analysis with regularized total least-squares method[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2022. 535: 117130.

[3] Z. Zhang*, S. Chen, Z. Xu, Y. He, S. Li.. Iterative regularization method in generalized inverse beamforming[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017. 396: 108-121.

[4] Yang, Y., J. Zhang, Z. Zhang, X. Hu, Y. Zhang, W. Lin. Time-domain extrapolation of vehicle durability load spectrum based on load decomposition and POT model threshold preference[J]. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2025. 224: 112043.

[5] Ye, J., Z. Zhang*, J. Jin, R. Su, B. Huang. Estimation of tire-road friction coefficient with adaptive tire stiffness based on RC-SCKF[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024. 112: 945-960.

[6] B. Wu, W. Fan, Z. Xu, Z. Zhang*, G. Jin. Topology optimization of damping material layout in coupled vibro-acoustic system using hybrid finite element-wave based method[J]. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2021. 64(6): 3819-3834.

[7] Z. Tang, Z. Zhang*, Z. Xu, Y. He, J. Jin. Load identification with regularized total least-squares method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022. 28(21-22): 3058-3069.

[8] H. Lu, Z. Zhang*, Y. He, Z. Li, J. Xie, H. Deng. Realization of desired damping characteristics based on an open-loop-controlled magnetorheological damper[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2022. 28(23-24): 3652-3663.

[9] H. Lu, Z. Xu, K. Gao, Z. Zhang*, Z. Li, J. Xie. A new invertible model of magnetorheological damper based on sigmoid function[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2020. 29(11).

[10] K. Gao, Z. Zhang*, H. Lu, Z. Xu, Y. He. Finite element modelling and biodynamic response prediction of the seated human body exposed to whole-body vibration[J]. Ergonomics, 2023: 1-14.

[11] K. Gao, C. Li, Y. Xiao, Z. Zhang*. Finite element modeling and parameter identification of the seated human body exposed to vertical vibration[J]. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2021. 20(5): 1789-1803.

[12] S. Huang, Z. Zhang*, Z. Xu, Y. He. Modeling of human model for static pressure distribution prediction[J]. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2015. 50: 186-195.

[13] W. Fan, Z. Xu, B. Wu, Y. He, Z. Zhang*. Structural multi-objective topology optimization and application based on the criteria importance through intercriteria correlation method[J]. Engineering Optimization, 2022. 54(5): 830-846.

[14] Fan, W., Z. Xu, Z. Zhang*. A PID-optimality criteria method for structural topology optimization[J]. Optimization and Engineering, 2024. 25: 439-458.

[15] 张志飞*, 李春雨, 梁玲, 徐中明, 贺岩松. 基于体压数据映射的定制坐垫接触面设计方法[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019. 55(17): 162-171.

[16] 张志飞*, 陈仁, 徐中明, 贺岩松, 李伟. 面向多目标的汽车悬架控制臂拓扑优化研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2017. 53(04): 114-121.

[17] 张志飞*, 倪新帅, 徐中明, 贺岩松, 徐小飞. 利用阻尼材料改善驾驶室声学特性的研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 2012. 48(16): 36-40.

[18] 杨永乐, 董帅, 王庆华, 林伟雄, 张志飞*. 基于信号权重分析的汽车耐久性用户关联模型优化求解方法[J]. 中国公路学报, 2024. 37(2): 304-314.

[19] 高开展, 罗巧, 张志飞*, 徐中明. 基于体压分布的汽车座椅振动舒适性评价[J]. 汽车工程, 2022. 44(12): 1936-1943.

[20] 鲁红伟, 张志飞*, 徐中明, 谭侃伦, 郑晓勇. 汽车主动悬架次优控制策略等效性研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2023. 42(23): 316-324.

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