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教师英文名称:Yuan Yuan
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主要从事材料科学与电气工程学科交叉领域的研究,包括表面与界面科学、金属腐蚀与防护、功能高分子、电工材料、功能电介质材料应用基础及电气设备绝缘技术;主持并参与多项国家自然科学基金重点及面上项目、科技部国家重点研发计划、国际合作项目、省部级基金项目及多项电网公司科技项目;发表SCI检索论文50余篇,授权专利10余项,并获得多项省部级及行业奖励;Coatings期刊客座编辑,IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Applied Thermal Engineering, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Applied Polymer Science等多个国际期刊审稿人;多次应邀参加国内外学术会议并做口头报告。
本科生课程:材料现代测试方法 (建筑材料)
1.具有复合孔结构的持久性主动防覆冰输电导线的设计、制备和性能研究(U23B20133) 309.6万 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目
2.特高压变压器高能电弧放电故障防爆技术及装备(课题 3 高应变速率瞬态冲击压力下油箱结构破坏及失效机理) 300万 国家重点研发计划“储能与智能电网”重点专项(子课题)
3.采用“晶界特征分布”优化提升变压器铜绕组的抗油硫腐蚀性能研究(51677015) 76.8万 国家自然科学基金面上项目
4..±500kV直流电缆绝缘设计基础研究(2016YFB0900701) 60万 科技部国家重点研发计划(子课题)
5.腐蚀性硫化物对特高压套管油纸绝缘特性及安全运行影响的研究(51407018) 28万 国家自然科学基金青年项目
6.耐电晕聚酰亚胺/石墨烯复合材料的制备及其电气性能的研究(cstcjjA50007) 5万 重庆市自然科学基金
1.基于“晶界特征分布优化”提升油浸式变压器绝缘性能研究 83.7万 国网天津市电力公司电力科学研究院 2023-2024
2.基于表面形变强化的接地网材料绿色防腐技术和应用研究 78.87万 国网重庆市电力公司电力科学研究院 2023-2024
3.自修复非涂料型主动防冰功能输配电导线的开发及示范应用研究 1488.9万 中国南方电网公司科技项目 2022-2024
4.高纵横比和窄间隙纳米结构的新型绝缘子防冰涂料的研制和示范应用 210.7万 中国南方电网公司科技项目 2022-2024
5.纳米填充树脂开发及高海拔模拟试验 57万 东方电气集团东方电机有限公司 2022-2023
6.JG20210147 67万 2021-2022
1.电力变压器新型绝缘纸的制备及其对油纸绝缘老化特性和介电性能影响的研究 (排2) 国家自然科学基金重点项目
2.输电线路玻璃绝缘子持久性防冰表面材料的制备与性能研究 (排2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目
3.变压器绝缘油中腐蚀性硫化物生成机理及其对油纸绝缘特性的影响和风险评估方法研究(排2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目
4.Improvement on the Cellulose Insulation Properties I(排2) ALSTOM
5.Improvement on the Cellulose Insulation Properties II(排3) GE
6.基于改进直流换流变套管出线端绝缘空间电荷分布的新型绝缘纸研究(排2) 国家电网基础性、前瞻性项目
1. Experimental studies of a novel anti-icing aluminum conductor with excellent durability and improved electrical performance, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY, 2023. (TOP期刊)
2. A composite pore-structured superhydrophobic aluminum surface for durable anti-icing, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2023. (TOP期刊)
3. Effect of the grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) on the sulfur corrosion behavior and mechanisms of copper windings under different high temperatures, HIGH VOLTAGE, 2023. (TOP期刊)
4. A Superhydrophobic Anti-Icing Surface with a Honeycomb Nanopore Structure, COATINGS, 2023.
5. Effects of the Second Anodization Parameters on the Hydrophobicity and Anti-Icing Properties of Al Surface with Composite Nanopore Structure, COATINGS, 2023.
6. Fabrication of Superhydrophobic Coatings by Using Spraying and Analysis of Their Anti-Icing Properties, COATINGS, 2023.
7. Gas production mechanism of Irgamet 39 and its long-term corrosion resistance, HIGH VOLTAGE, 2023. (TOP期刊)
8. A novel slippery liquid infused porous aluminum conductor with excellent corrosion resistance in simulated marine atmosphere, JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 2023.
9. Enhanced corrosion resistance of slippery liquid infused porous aluminum surfaces prepared by anodizing in simulated marine atmosphere, MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, 2023.
10. Key Factors Affecting Durable Anti-Icing of Slippery Surfaces: Pore Size and Porosity, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2023. (TOP期刊) (封面文章)
11. Anti-Icing Mechanism for a Novel Slippery Aluminum Stranded Conductor, ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, 2023. (TOP期刊) (封面邀请)
12. A novel durable anti-icing slippery surfaces with dendritic porous structure, MATERIALS TODAY PHYSICS, 2023. (TOP期刊)
13. Fabrication of Slippery Surfaces on Aluminum Alloy and Its Anti-Icing Performance in Glaze Ice, COATINGS, 2023.
14. Water-Droplet Impact and Sliding Behaviors on Slippery Surfaces with Various Weber Numbers and Surface Inclinations, COATINGS, 2023.
15. A Review on Superhydrophobic Surface with Anti-Icing Properties in Overhead Transmission Lines, COATINGS, 2023. (高被引论文)
16. Superhydrophobic Epoxy/Fluorosilicone/PTFE Coatings Prepared by One-Step Spraying for Enhanced Anti-Icing Performance, COATINGS, 2023.
17. Proper matching of lubricants and modifiers: Another key factor for durable anti-icing performance of lubricated surfaces, SURFACES AND INTERFACES, 2023. (高被引论文)
18. Self-Repairing Performance of Slippery Liquid Infused Porous Surfaces for Durable Anti-Icing, ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES, 2022. (封面文章)
19. A review: Research on corrosive sulphur in electrical power equipment, HIGH VOLTAGE, 2022. (TOP期刊)
20. Robust and self-healing superhydrophobic aluminum surface with excellent anti-icing performance, SURFACES AND INTERFACES, 2022.
21. Influence of Current on Soil Corrosion of Galvanized Steel of Grounding Grids, MICROMACHINES, 2022.
22. Fabrication of phase change microcapsules and their applications to anti-icing coating, SURFACES AND INTERFACES, 2021.
23. Research Advances of Soil Corrosion of Grounding Grids, MICROMACHINES, 2021.
24. Fabrication of Ultralow Ice-Adhesion Slippery Liquid Infused Porous Surfaces on Aluminum Alloy (7075-T651), COATINGS, 2020.
25. Fabrication of a Porous Slippery Icephobic Surface and Effect of Lubricant Viscosity on Anti-Icing Properties and Durability, COATINGS, 2020.
26. Study on improving the space charge behavior in insulating paper by depositing nanostructured alumina on its surface via magnetron sputtering, THIN SOLID FILM, 2020.
27. Improving sulfur corrosion resistance of transformer windings by grain boundary engineering technology, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRIC INSULATION, 2019. (TOP期刊)