Wennian Yu
Personal Information
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Name (Simplified Chinese):Wennian Yu
  • Name (Pinyin):yuwennian
  • School/Department:高端装备机械传动全国重点实验室
  • Business Address:重庆大学机械与运载工程学院421室
  • Gender:Male
  • Contact Information:wennian.yu@cqu.edu.cn
  • Alma Mater:Queen's University
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余文念,男,博士,重庆大学机械与运载工程学院“百人计划”特聘研究员、高端装备机械传动全国重点实验室研究员、博士生导师。主要从事齿轮系统动力学、机械系统状态信号处理和状态监测、基于数据驱动模型和深度学习技术的系统退化建模和残余寿命预测等研究。在 《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》、《Tribology International》、《Applied Mathematical Modelling》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》、《Reliability Engineering and System Safety》、《Journal of Sound and Vibration》、《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、《Nonlinear Dynamics》、《Engineering Failure Analysis》等著名期刊和会议上发表SCI论文70余篇(一作/通讯40余篇,中科院TOP期刊论文20余篇),h因子22,ESI高被引论文3篇,国际学术会议最佳论文 4 篇,出版《高速行星齿轮传动动力学》专著1部,申请国家发明专利30余项(授权7项),登记软件著作权7项。连续入选斯坦福2022、2023年全球前2%科学家 (Stardford University Top 2% Scientists List 2022, 2023),担任50余种国际期刊常任审稿人,并荣获知名期刊《Mechanism and Machine Theory》、英国物理学会(IOP)等期刊或学会优秀审稿人,获知名期刊《Mechanism and Machine Theory》克罗斯利最佳论文奖,Machines主编精选文章等荣誉。



2006.9-2010.6 武汉理工大学机械工程及自动化系 工学学士

2010.9-2013.6 重庆大学机械电子系 工学硕士

2013.9-2017.7 加拿大女王大学机械与材料系 哲学博士

2017.8-2019.7 加拿大女王大学机械与材料系 博士后

2019.9-至今  重庆大学 “百人计划”研究员



斯坦福大学2022, 2023年度全球前2%科学家 (Stardford University Top 2% Scientists List 2022,2023)

Machines》期刊客座编辑(Guested Editor)、《SN Applied Science》编委


2018和2019年故障诊断与系统健康管理国际会议(PHM2018, PHM2019)技术委员会成员

第18届澳大利亚国际航空会议(AIAC 2018)暨第11届澳大利亚国防科技部主办的健康和使用监测系统国际会议(HUMS 2019)暨第27届航天飞机动力学国际研讨会(ISSFD) 最佳会议论文奖

第6届和第7届IEEE国际传感、诊断与控制会议(SDPC2022, 2024)最佳论文奖


《Mechanism and Machine Theory》克罗斯利最佳论文奖,Machines主编精选文章等荣誉

《Mechanism and Machine Theory》,《Smart Materials and Structures》,英国物理学会(IOP)等期刊或学会优秀审稿人





国家自然科学基金面上基金项目 主要负责人

国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 主要负责人

国家重点研发计划子课题 主要负责人

中国博士后科学基金面上项目 主要负责人

留学人员回国创业创新支持计划 主要负责人


[7] 一种浮动支撑摩擦片组件冲击动载计算方法 (ZL2022108577721)

[6] 一种考虑随机齿向误差的离合器摩擦片冲击力计算方法(ZL2022108577524)

[5] 一种考虑自偏心的浮动齿圈摩擦片组件冲击力计算方法(ZL2022108577581)

[4] 滑动轴承油膜厚度分布的测量方法及系统 (ZL2022105382651)

[3] 旋转机械变工况故障诊断方法及系统 (ZL2022102152003) 

[2] 轧机振痕振动信号的故障特征提取方法及识别方法 (ZL2013100232061)

[1] 基于智能轴承的汽车后桥寿命预测系统 (ZL201110441205)  



[A13] W. Yu*, Y. Shao, J. Xu, C. Mechefske, An adaptive and generalized Wiener process model with a recursive filtering algorithm for remaining useful life estimation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 217, 108099 (2022). (中科院二区Top)

[A12] W. Yu*, W. Tu, I.Y. Kim, C. Mechefske, A nonlinear-drift-driven Wiener process model for remaining useful life estimation considering three sources of variability, Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2021) 107631. (中科院二区Top)

[A11] W. Yu*, I.Y. Kim, C. Mechefske,Analysis of different RNN autoencoder variants for time series classification and machine prognostics, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 149 (2021) 107322. (中科院一区Top)

[A10] W. Yu*, C. Mechefske, I.Y. Kim, Identifying optimal features for cutting tool condition monitoring using recurrent neural networks, Advances in Mechanical Engineering 12 (2020) 1–14.

[A9] W. Yu*, I.Y. Kim, C. Mechefske, An improved similarity-based prognostic algorithm for RUL estimation using an RNN autoencoder scheme, Reliability Engineering and System Safety,199 (2020) 106926.  (中科院一区Top)

[A8] W. Yu*, I.Y. Kim, and C.K. Mechefske, Remaining Useful Life Estimation Using a Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network Based Autoencoder Scheme, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 129, 764–780, 2019.  (中科院一区Top)

[A7] W. Yu*, and C. K. Mechefske, A new model for the single mesh stiffness calculation of helical gears using the slicing principle, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Mechanical Engineering, 43, S503–S515, 2019.

[A6] W. Yu*, C.K. Mechefske, M. Timusk, A new dynamic model of a cylindrical gear pair with localized spalling defects, Nonlinear Dynamics. 91 (2018) 2077–2095. 

[A5] W. Yu*, C. K. Mechefske, and M. Timusk, Influence of the addendum modification on spur gear back-side mesh stiffness and dynamics, Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 389, pp. 183–201, 2017. (中科院二区Top)

[A4] W. Yu*, C. K. Mechefske, and M. Timusk, Effects of tooth plastic inclination deformation due to spatial cracks on the dynamic features of a gear system, Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 2643–2659, 2017.

[A3] W. Yu*, C. K. Mechefske, and M. Timusk, The dynamic coupling behaviour of a cylindrical geared rotor system subjected to gear eccentricities, Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 107, pp. 105-122, Jan. 2017. (中科院一区Top)

[A2] W. Yu* and C. K. Mechefske, Analytical modeling of spur gear corner contact effects, Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 96, pp. 146–164, 2016. (中科院一区Top)

[A1] W. Yu*, Y. Shao, and C. K. Mechefske, The effects of spur gear tooth spatial crack propagation on gear mesh stiffness, Engineering Failure Analysis, vol. 54, pp. 103–119, 2015. 

[B31]  C. Zhang, W. Yu*, J. Wu, L. Wang, X. Ding, W. Huang, X. Chen, Dynamic analysis of gear pairs considering the actual contact state of truncated asperities on the 3D rough surfaces and force-dependent mesh stiffness, Nonlinear Dynamics. 5 (2024), 1-23.

[B30] Z. Xu, W. Yu*, H. Xu, J.J. Li, Dynamic modeling of spur gear system considering the coupling effect between bearing deflection and gear mesh stiffness, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part C J. Mech. Eng. Sci. 238 (2024) 6725–6737. 

[B29] C. Zhang, W. Yu*, Y. Zhang, J. Xu, Q. Zeng, L. Li, L. Wang, W. Huang, Dynamics modeling and analysis of the multistage planetary gear set-bearing-rotor-clutch coupling system considering the tooth impacts of clutches, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 214 (2024) 111365.  (中科院一区Top)

[B28] W. Tu, C. Liu, H. Wang, D. Hu, W. Yu*, Influences of external moment on the contact characteristics of angular contact ball bearings under combined loads, Int. J. Non. Linear. Mech. 161 (2024) 104698. 

[B27] W. Tu, H. Wang, C. Liu, D. Hu, W. Yu*, Influence of temperature on dynamic contact characteristics of oil-jet lubricated rolling bearings, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part K J. Multi-Body Dyn. (2024) 14644193241257208. 

[B26] C. Zhang, W. Yu*, L. Zhang, Dynamic characteristics of tilting-pad coupled-bearing-rotor systems considering mixed lubrication and pad wear, Tribology International. 192 (2024) 109287. (中科院一区Top)

[B25] Z. Chen, J.C. Ji, K. Chen, Q. Ni, X. Ding, W. Yu*, Adaptive Topology-Aware Siamese Network for Cross-domain Fault Diagnosis with Small Samples, IEEE Sensors Journal, 24 (2024) 24438–24451.

[B24] 章朝栋, 余文念*, 张路, 考虑瓦块磨损的可倾瓦径向轴承-转子系统动态特性研究, 振动与冲击. 43 (2024) 255–263.

[B23] Z. Chen, J. Ji, W. Yu*, Q. Ni, G. Lu, X. Chang, A multi-scale graph convolutional network with contrastive-learning enhanced self-attention pooling for intelligent fault diagnosis of gearbox, Measurement. 230 (2024) 114497(中科院二区Top)

[B22] Z. Chen, W. Yu*, L. Wang, X. Ding, W. Huang, Y. Shao, A Dual-View Style Mixing Network for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Fault Diagnosis with Imbalanced Data, Knowledge-Based Systems. 278 (2023) 110918.  (中科院一区Top)

[B21] W. Tu, H. Wang, G. Zhang, W. Yu*, The influence of race waviness on skidding characteristics of rolling bearings, Int. J. Non. Linear. Mech. 156 (2023) 104520. 

[B20] C. Zhang, W. Yu*, C. Fan, C. Kong, Theoretical and experimental investigation on teeth impacts between the inner hub and the friction plate of the planetary transmission system ’ s clutch, Journal of Sound and Vibration. 553 (2023) 117674. (中科院二区Top)

[B19] Z. Chen, W. Yu*, C. Kong, Q. Zeng, L. Wang, A dual-view network for fault diagnosis in rotating machinery using unbalanced, Meas. Sci. Technol. 34 (2023) 115107.

[B18] C. Kong, W. Yu*, Q. Zeng, Z. Chen, Y. Peng, A similarity-based remaining useful life prediction method using multimodal degradation features and adjusted, Meas. Sci. Technol. 34 (2023) 105112.

[B17] W. Tu, B. Yang, W. Yu*, A dynamic model of defective bearing considering the detailed motion of the roller and the impact between the roller and the cage, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. Part K J. Multi-Body Dyn. (2023) 14644193231180242.

[B16] W. Tu, J. Liang, W. Yu*, Z. Shi, C. Liu, Motion stability analysis of cage of rolling bearing under the variable-speed condition, Nonlinear Dynamics. 111 (2023) 11045-11063.

[B15] C. Zhang, W. Yu*, L. Yin, Q. Zeng, Z. Chen, Y. Shao, Modeling of normal contact stiffness for surface with machining textures and analysis of its influencing factors, Int. J. Solids Struct. 262–263 (2023) 112042. 

[B14] X. Yang;, C. Zhang, W. Yu*, W. Huang, Z. Xu, C. Nie, A Refined Dynamic Model for the Planetary Gear Set Considering the Time-Varying Nonlinear Support Stiffness of Ball Bearing, Machines. 11 (2023) 206.

[B13] X. Yang, K. Ding, G. He*, C. Du, W. Yu*, Improved vibration AM-FM sideband phenomenon models of planetary gear set with distributed faults and fault-induced speed fluctuation, Mechanism and Machine Theory. 179 (2023) 105093.  (中科院一区Top)

[B12] Z. Xu, W. Yu*, Y. Shao, X. Yang, C. Nie, D. Peng, Dynamic modeling of the planetary gear set considering the effects of positioning errors on the mesh position and the corner contact, Nonlinear Dyn. 109 (2022) 1551–1569. 

[B11] Z. Chen, W. Yu*, X. Ding, Y. Shao, C.K. Mechefske, Pair-wise Orthogonal Classifier Based Domain Adaptation Network for Fault Diagnosis in Rotating Machinery, IEEE Sensors Journal. 22 (2022) 12086–12097. 

[B10] Y. Luo, W. Tu, C. Fan, L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, W. Yu*, A Study on the Modeling Method of Cage Slip and Its Effects on the Vibration Response of Rolling-Element Bearing, Energies. 15 (2022) 2396.

[B9] X. Yang, W. Yu*, Y. Shao, Z. Xu, Q. Zeng, C. Nie, D. Peng, An Augmented Lever Analogy Method for Kinematic Analysis of Dual-Input Planetary/Epicyclic Gear Sets Involving Planet Gear, IEEE Access. 10 (2022) 101137–101148. 

[B8] W. Tu, J. Yang, Y. Luo, L. Jiang, J. Xu, W. Yu*, Vibration Transmission Characteristics and Measuring Points Analysis of Bearing Housing System, Shock and Vibration. 2022 (2022).

[B7] Z. Xu, W. Yu*, Y. Shao, A refined analytical model for the mesh stiffness calculation of plastic gear pairs, Applied Mathematical Modelling. 98 (2021) 71–89.  (中科院一区Top)

[B6] W. Tu, W. Yu*, Y. Shao, Y. Yu, A nonlinear dynamic vibration model of cylindrical roller bearing considering skidding, Nonlinear Dynamics. 103 (2021) 2299–2313. 

[B5] W. Tu, J. Yang, W. Yu*, Contact characteristic and vibration mechanism of rolling element bearing in the process of fault evolution, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics. (2021) 146441932098570.

[B4] W. Luo, J. Jiang, W. Yu*, C. K. Mechefske, Train Internal Noise due to Wheel-Rail Interaction, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019, 47(3):20170635.

[B3] W. Luo, C. Xu, W. Yu*, Cost savings resulting from optimum material selection, ASCE’s Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2019, 33(2): 04019019.

[B2] H. Hanachi, W. Yu*, I.Y. Kim, J. Liu, C.K. Mechefske, Hybrid data-driven physics-based model fusion framework for tool wear prediction, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 101 (2019) 2861–2872.

[B1] W. Luo, L. Cheng, W. Yu*, C. K. Mechefske, L. Tong, Prediction and analysis of structural noise from a U-beam using the FE-SEA hybrid method, Promet – Traffic &Transportation, 30(3): 333-342, 2018.



[C7] W. Yu,  C. Zhang, L. Zhang  (2023, December). Comparison Studies of Dynamic Characteristics for Coupled Bearing-Rotor Systems with Fixed and Pivot-Supported Pads. In The International Conference on Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration and Control (pp. 733-748). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

[C6] W. Yu, Z. Chen. (2019).Degradation modeling of turbofan engines using a RNN autoencoder scheme and nonlinear-drift-driven Wiener process model, in 2023 International Conference on Equipment Intelligent Operation and Maintenance (ICEIOM 2023); The 5th International conference on Reliability Systems engineering (ICRSE 2023), 21-23 Sep. 2023, Hefei, China. (会议最佳论文)

[C5] W. Yu, C. K. Mechefske, and II Yong Kim. (2019). Time Series Reconstruction Using a Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network based Encoder-Decoder Scheme. In AIAC - 18th Australian International Aerospace Congress (AIAC2018); HUMS - 11th Defence Science and Technology (DST) International Conference on Health and Usage Monitoring (HUMS 2019); ISSFD - 27th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics (ISSFD) (pp. 876–884). Melbourne: Melbourne: Engineers Australia, Royal Aeronautical Society. (会议最佳论文)

[C4] W. Yu, C. K. Mechefske, and II Yong Kim, Cutting Tool Wear Estimation Using a Genetic Algorithm based Long Short-term Memory Neural Network, in Proceedings of the ASME 2018 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2018), 26-29 Aug. 2018, Quebec City, Canada.

[C3] W. Yu, C. K. Mechefske, and M. Timusk, A Comparison of Several Methods for the Calculation of Gear Mesh Stiffness, in Proceedings of the 2017 Int. Conf. Sensing, Diagnostics, Progn. Control (SDPC), 16-18 Aug. 2017, Shanghai, China.

[C2] W. Yu, C. K. Mechefske, and M. Timusk, A comparison of several SDOF models of gear dynamics, in Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2016), 21-24 Aug. 2016, Charlotte, USA.

[C1] W. Yu, C. K. Mechefske, and M. Timusk, The dynamic coupling behaviour of a cylindrical gear pair subjected to eccentricities, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Transmissions 2016 (ICPT 2016), 27–30 Oct. 2016, Chongqing, China.

[D3] Z.Chen, W.Yu, Q. Ni, J. Ji, Learnable topology enhanced heterogeneous network for unbalanced cross-domain fault diagnosis,  in: 2024 IEEE Int. Conf. Sensing, Diagnostics (SDPC 2024), Progn. Control, Shijiazhuang,China, 2024.(会议最佳论文)

[D2] Z. Chen, W. Yu, X. Ding, Y. Shao, Silhouette Coefficient Regularization Based Adversarial Domain Adaptation Network for Fault Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery, in: 2022 IEEE Int. Conf. Sensing, Diagnostics (SDPC 2022), Progn. Control, Chongqing,China, 2022: pp. 29–35.(会议最佳论文)

[D1]Y. Shao, W. Yu, Q. Chen, H. Xiao, and X. Yu, Failure Analysis of a High Pressure Descaling Pump Using Envelope Analysis, in Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conference and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2011), 28-31 Aug. 2011, Washington DC, USA.


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Education Background
Work Experience
  • 2006-
    武汉理工大学 | 机械工程及自动化 | University graduated | Bachelor's Degree in Engineering
  • 2010-
    重庆大学 | 机械电子工程 | With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates | Master's Degree in Engineering
  • 2013-
    Queen's University | 机械工程 | With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study | Doctoral Degree in Philosophy
  •  机械与运载工程学院 | 重庆大学   “百人计划”研究员 |  252 
  •  机械工程学院 | 重庆大学   “百人计划”研究员 |
  •  Queen's University   Postdoctor |
Research Group

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