Qr code
Shu Han

Associate Professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


School/Department:School of Microelectronics and Communication Engineering,Chongqing University

Administrative Position:Associate Professor

Business Address:5 / F, Information Building, District D, Chongqing University


Contact Information:hs@cqu.edu.cn

Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:Chongqing University

Discipline:Electrical Circuit and System
Communications and Information Systems
Signal and Information Processing

Honors and Titles:

2021-09-10   重庆大学优秀共产党员

2020-09-10   重庆大学微电子与通信工程学院优秀共产党员

2018-08-01   “第二届全国高等学校青年教师电子技术基础、电子线路青年教师授课竞赛”先后获 得全国一等奖和西南片区一等奖

2018-07-01   重庆市科技进步奖二等奖


The Last Update Time: ..


Han Shu: Doctor, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor

Contact information: Email: hs@cqu.edu.cn


Personal Profile:

Han Shu, male, from the Shapingba District, Chongqing, China. PhD in engineering. Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Senior Member of the IEEE Photonics Society. Leader of a sub-project under the National Key Research and Development Program titled "Demonstration of Innovative Applications of Active Health Technologies in Different Economic Regions." Visiting scholar at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. One of the co-authors of several ISO and IEEE medical device interoperability standards and several Chinese sports industry standards. Expert of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission in Chongqing. Expert in the Chongqing Banan-district Electronics Association.

Engaged in theoretical, experimental, and practical teaching in the fields of electronic science and technology, embedded systems, and signal processing. Dedicated to research in IoT energy transmission (synchronous transmission of radio frequency wireless signals, visible light information, and energy) in special application environments such as military, industrial, and medical, as well as intelligent and efficient communication, interoperability of health medical devices, and automotive electronics. Accumulated experience in hosting or leading more than 30 projects. Published nearly 20 papers in, including more than 10 SCI/EI indexed papers, as the first author or corresponding author. Served as a reviewer for multiple international journals. Obtained more than 10 invention and utility model patents. Participated in the formulation and drafting of more than 10 international medical device standards, and more than 10 national proactive health industry standards and group standards.


Research: Intelligent Transmission Technology for Specialized Internet of Things

(1) Special environment sensing and wireless networking transmission (embedded sensor terminal design, sensor signal processing, wireless networking communication solutions based on technologies such as NOMA, MIMO, OFDMA, etc.)

(2) Performance optimization of SWIPT (Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer) or SLIPT (Simultaneous Lightwave Information and Power Transfer).

(3) Interoperability Standards for Exercise Health and Medical Internet of Things

(4) New generation artificial intelligence and machine learning methods and their applications in the aforementioned research fields.



[1] Shu Han; Hailin Cao*; Yuanhong Zhong; Xiaoming Liu; Zhiyong Huang; Real-time adaptive optimization of average peak age of information in SWIPT-based cooperative WSN deploying NOMA, Energy Reports, 2022, 8(1): 408-419.

[2] Shu Han*; Xiaoming Liu; Hongyu Huang; Fei Wang; Yuanhong Zhong; Research on energy-efficient routing algorithm based on SWIPT in multi-hop clustered WSN for 5G system, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications Networking, 2021, 2021(1): 1-26.                                          

[3] Shu Han*; Xiaoming Liu; Jia Chen; Jin Wu; Xiaofei Ruan; A real-time data compression algorithm for gear fault signals, Measurement, 2016, 88(1): 165-175.                                       

[4] Shu Han; Xiaoming Liu*; Yang Yang; Chuanlian Luo; Yuanhong Zhong; Yu Zhou; Linrang Zhang; Intelligent Algorithm for Variable Scale Adaptive Feature Separation of Mechanical Composite Fault Signals, Energies, 2021, 14(22): 7702.

[5] Shu Han*, Xiaoming Liu, Yao Yao, Yangjun Zhou. A time-efficiency multi-channel MAC protocol for wireless sensor networks[J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, 572(1): 455-458.            

[6] Xiaoming Liu; Chuanlian Luo; Shu Han*; Yuanhong Zhong; Zhiyong Huang; Energy Efficiency Optimization for Cooperative SWIPT Network Based on Continuously Adjustable Power Splitter, proceedings of the 2022 International Conference on Power Energy Systems and Applications (ICoPESA), IEEE, 2022: 623-627.

[7] Zhaokun Zhou, Yuanhong Zhong, Xiaoming Liu, Qiang Li, Shu Han. DC-MMD-GAN: A New Maximum Mean Discrepancy Generative Adversarial Network Using Divide and Conquer[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(18): 6405. 

[8] Xiaoming Liu, Shu Han*, Yangjun Zhou, Yao Yao. An energy-efficiency wireless sensing method for mechanical failure signals [J]. Key Engineering Materials, 2014, 572(1): 451-454.



[1] A real-time compression method for gear fault signals, authorized patent number: ZL201310208019.0.

[2] A method for synchronously acquiring multiple signals within a mechanical system, authorized patent number: ZL201210128636.5.

[3] A method and system for analyzing the gear collision/damage deformation process, authorized patent number: ZL201310550653.2

[4] Data communication system and method based on CPA for on-site protection, authorized patent number: ZL202010080880.3

[5] Communication method and system adapted through GATT and exception handling, authorized patent number: ZL202010048951.1

[6] Communication method and system adapted through GATT and data segmentation and reassembly, authorized patent number: ZL202010048930.X

[7] Keyless emergency unlocking control method for car doors, authorized patent number: ZL 201410147765.8



[1] National Key R&D Program Project - Subproject: Demonstration of Active Health Technology Innovation Applications in Different Economic Regions - Cleaning and Labeling of Sports Health Research Data, 190,000 yuan, in progress, leader.

[2] Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau, municipal-level industry-university-research joint laboratory funding project, 2022-YF04-00078-JH, Chengdu Zhongke - Chongqing University Industry-University-Research Joint Laboratory, Jan. 2021 to Jan. 2025, 135,000 yuan, in progress, leader.

[3] National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation Project General Project, 62372074, Continuous Video Anomaly Detection from the Perspective of Inspection Mobility, Jan. 2024 to Dec. 2027, 500,000 yuan, completed, principal researcher.

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation Project General Project, 51975065, Research on Theories and Methods of Ultrasonic Guided Wave Networked Energy-Carrying Data Transmission for Condition Monitoring, Jan. 2020 to Dec. 2023, 708,000 yuan, completed, principal researcher.

[5] Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, National Key Research and Development Program (Project), 2018YFC2000804, Research and Demonstration Application of General Technology and Standards for Active Health Data Collection, Dec. 2018 to Dec. 2022, 3.47 million yuan, completed, principal researcher.

[6] National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Natural Science Foundation Youth Fund, 51605051, Research on Early Crack Initiation and Fault Evolution of Rolling Bearings and Dynamic Modeling, from Sep. 2016 to Dec. 2019, 258,000 yuan, completed, principal researcher.


International Standards (Participated in):

[1] ISO/IEEE 11073-20601:2022 Health informatics—Personal health device communication Part 20601: Application profile—Optimized Exchange Protocol.

[2] ISO/IEEE 11073-40101:2022 Health informatics—Device interoperability—Part 40101: Foundational— Cybersecurity—Processes for vulnerability assessment.

[3] ISO/IEEE 11073-40102:2022 Health informatics — Device interoperability — Part 40102: Foundational — Cybersecurity — Capabilities for mitigation.

[4] ISO/IEEE 11073-10404:2022 Health informatics—Personal health device communication Part 10404: Device specialization— Pulse oximeter.

[5] ISO/IEEE 11073-10407:2022 Health informatics—Device interoperability — Part 10407: Device specialization—Blood pressure monitor.

[6] ISO/IEEE 11073-10408:2022 Health informatics—Device interoperability — Part 10408: Device specialization—Thermometer.

[7] ISO/IEEE 11073-10415:2022 Health informatics—Personal health device communication Part 10415: Device specialization—Weighing scale.

[8] ISO/IEEE 11073-10420:2022 Health informatics—Device interoperability — Part 10420: Device specialization—Body composition analyzer.



Research on Important Technical Standards and Product Quality Improvement of Medical Devices in Chongqing, 2017-J-2-09-R06, Second Prize of Chongqing Science and Technology Progress Award.

Educational Experience

  • 2019.9 -- 2023.6

    重庆大学       Information and Communication Engineering       Postgraduate (Doctoral)       Doctoral degree      2023年获博士学位

  • 2007.9 -- 2010.6

    重庆大学       信号与信息处理       With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates      2010年获硕士学位

  • 2003.9 -- 2007.6

    重庆大学       电子信息工程       University graduated      2007年获学士学位

Work Experience

  • 2010.6 -- Now

    重庆大学      重庆大学微电子与通信工程学院      教师支部委员      在职      工作期间长期从事电子科学与技术、嵌入式系统和信号处理等领域的理论、实验、实践教学工作

Social Affiliations

  • 2023.6 -- Now


  • 2021.4 -- Now

    IEEE Photonics Senior Member

  • 2021.4 -- Now

    IEEE Senior Member

  • 2024.9 -- Now


Other Contact Information: