姓名:魏沛堂 学历学位: 工学博士(University of Wollongong, Au) 专业技术职务:教授,博士生导师 所在团队网站:www.gearlab.com.cn |
近年来主持国家自然科学基金面上基金、青年基金、国家重点研发计划课题、国家科技重大专项课题、国家外专项目、部省级重点项目等国家与部省级项目30余项;在Int J Fatigue、Mech Mach Theory、Int J Mech Sci、Adv Eng Informatics、机械工程学报等权威期刊发表论文70余篇,出版学术专著1部,制/修订国家标准3项,授权/公开国际发明专利2项、国家发明专利32项;获重庆市科技进步一等奖、教育部科技进步二等奖、重庆市科技进步二等奖,中国航天科工集团科技进步二等奖,全球卓越工程师大赛银奖与优秀成果转化奖;担任国家卓越期刊《机械传动》首届青年编委,任 30多个 SCI 期刊与国内权威期刊审稿专家。
1. Rui Hu, Peitang Wei, Xuesong Du, Siqi Liu, Nansu Zhang, Li Luo, Caichao Zhu, Multi-objective optimization and accelerated experimental research on load distribution of planetary roller screw mechanism, Tribology International, 2024, 199, 110046
2. Jizhan Wu, Peitang Wei, Guoqiang Liu, Difa Chen, Xiuhua Zhang, Taimin Chen, Huaiju Liu, A comprehensive evaluation of DLC coating on gear bending fatigue, contact fatigue, and scuffing performance, Wear, 2024, 536-537: 205177
3. Yang Li, Peitang Wei, Ge Xiang, Chenfan Jia, Huaiju Liu, Gear Contact Fatigue Life Prediction Based on Transfer Learning, International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 107686
4. Rui Hu, Peitang Wei, Xuesong Du, Jie Zhou, Huaiju Liu, Genshen Liu, Caichao Zhu, Investigation of loaded contact characteristics of planetary roller screw mechanism based on influence coefficient method and machine learning, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2023 (58), 102146
5. Rui Hu, Peitang Wei, Huaiju Liu, Xuesong Du, Pengliang Zhou, Caichao Zhu, Investigation on load distribution among rollers of planetary roller screw mechanism considering machining errors: Analytical calculation and machine learning approach, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2023, 185, 105322
6. Huan Yan, Peitang Wei, Lihong Su, Huaiju Liu, Dong Wei, Xiuhua Zhang, Guanyu Deng, Rolling-sliding contact fatigue failure and associated evolutions of microstructure, crystallographic orientation and residual stress of AISI 9310 gear steel, International Journal of Fatigue, 2023, 107511
7. Wei Wang, Peitang Wei, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Guanyu Deng, Heli Liu, A micromechanics-based machine learning model for evaluating the microstructure-dependent rolling contact fatigue performance of a martensitic steel, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2023, 237, 107784
8. Xiuhua Zhang, Peitang Wei, Robert G Parker, Guoliang Liu, Huaiju Liu, Shaojie Wu, Study on the relation between surface integrity and contact fatigue of carburized gears, International Journal of Fatigue, 2022, 165, 107203
9. Hao Zhou, Peitang Wei, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Lu Cheng, Guanyu Deng, Roles of microstructure, inclusion and surface roughness on rolling contact fatigue of a wind turbine gear,Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 2020, 43(1):1368-1383
10. Peitang Wei, Hao Zhou, Huaiju Liu, Caichao Zhu, Wei Wang, Guanyu Deng, Modeling of contact fatigue damage behavior of a wind turbine carburized gear considering its mechanical properties and microstructure gradients, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2019, 156: 283-296.