Personal Information
  • Associate Professor
  • Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
  • Supervisor of Master's Candidates
  • Name (Simplified Chinese):Guilin She
  • Name (English):Guilin She
  • Name (Pinyin):sheguilin
  • School/Department:机械与运载工程学院
  • Administrative Position:副教授
  • Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
  • Business Address:热烈欢迎各位同学加入“智能无人系统研究所”,为梦想奋斗。研究所由机械与运载工程学院院长、国家重点实验室主任“罗均”教授牵头,拥有10余名教授,副教授,近200名硕士、博士以及博士后。
  • Gender:Male
  • Contact Information:移动电话 : 18674812967 邮箱 : 出生年月:1987年8月
  • Degree:Doctoral degree
  • Status:Employed
  • Alma Mater:湖南大学
Other Contact Information:

佘桂林,重庆大学副教授/博士生导师。第一或通讯作者身份Ocean Eng,Aerosp Sci Technol,Nonlinear Dyn,Thin Wall StructEng Struct等期刊发表论文70余篇,其中中科院一区19篇他引2100余次,ESI前1%层次论文10余篇,入选“全球前2%顶尖科学家”流体强扰动领域取得重大突破获得2021年度重庆市科学技术奖一等奖。研究成果得到国内外学者的广泛关注与高度评价。所指导研究生10人次获“研究生国家奖学金”。












博士生: 张一闻以第一作者发表中科院一区论文5篇,中科院二区3篇;

硕士生: 丁浩轩以第一作者发表中科院一区论文1篇,中科院二区论文3篇;






1.Zhang,Y.W., She, G.L.*, and Eltaher, M.A. (2024), "Dynamic characteristics of shape-memory alloy plates immersed in liquid subjected to blast loading", Ocean engineering, Accept.(海洋工程TOP期刊)

2. Song, J.P., She, G.L.*, and Eltaher, M.A. (2024), “Nonlinear vibrations of variable speed rotating graphene platelets reinforced blades subjected to combined parametric and forced excitation”, Thin-Walled Structures, 204, 112283.  唯一通讯作者 (中科院双一区)

3. Song, J.P., She, G.L.*, and Eltaher, M.A. (2024), “Nonlinear aero-thermo-elastic flutter analysis of stiffened graphene platelets reinforced metal foams plates with initial geometric imperfection”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 147, 109050.  唯一通讯作者 (中科院双一区、航空航天领域TOP期刊, ESI高被引论文)

4. Ding, H.X. and She, G.L. * (2024), "Nonlinear combined resonances of axially moving graphene platelets reinforced metal foams cylindrical shells under forced vibrations",Nonlinear Dynamics. 唯一通讯作者

5. Zhang, Y.W. and She, G.L*. (2024), “Combined resonance of graphene platelets reinforced metal foams cylindrical shells with spinning motion under nonlinear forced vibration”, Engineering Structures, 300, 117177. (中科院大类一区,ESI高被引论文)

6. Gan, L.L. and She, G.L.*(2024), "Nonlinear transient response of magneto-electro-elastic cylindrical shells with initial geometric imperfection", Applied Mathematical Modelling, 132, 166-186. 

7. Zhang, Y.W., She, G.L.*, and Eltaher, M.A. (2023), "Nonlinear transient response of graphene platelets reinforced metal foams annular plate considering rotating motion and initial geometric imperfection", Aerospace Science and Technology, 142, 108693.   唯一通讯作者 (中科院双一区、航空航天领域TOP期刊)

8. Ding, H.X., M.A. Eltaher, and She, G.L. * (2023), "Nonlinear low-velocity impact of graphene platelets reinforced metal foams cylindrical shell: Effect of spinning motion and initial geometric imperfections", Aerospace Science and Technology, 140, 108435.  唯一通讯作者 (中科院双一区、航空航天领域TOP期刊,ESI高被引论文)

9. Ding, H.X. and She, G.L. * (2023), "Nonlinear primary resonance behavior of graphene plateletreinforced metal foams conical shells under axial motion",Nonlinear Dynamics.  唯一通讯作者(ESI高被引论文)

10. Zhang, Y.W. and She, G.L.* (2023), “Nonlinear low-velocity impact response of graphene platelet-reinforced metal foam cylindrical shells under axial motion with geometrical imperfection”, Nonlinear Dynamics 111:6317–6334. 唯一通讯作者(动力学TOP期刊)

11. She, G.L.* and Ding, H.X. (2023), “Nonlinear primary resonance analysis of initially stressed graphene platelet reinforced metal foams doubly curved shells with geometric imperfection”, Acta Mech. Sin., 39, 522392. (ESI高被引论文)

Work Experience
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Research Group
Name of Research Group:重庆大学智能无人机团队
Description of Research Group:团队负责人:罗均教授

Doctoral degree

Guilin She
Faculty of the CollegeState key Laboratory of Mechanical transmission in Chongqing UniversityEngineering DepartmentCollege of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ChongQing UniversityManagerchongqing university
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