Chao Wang
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Alma Mater:特文特大学
2018.12 - 至今 重庆大学“百人计划”研究员,博士生导师,重庆市高层次人才。作为负责人承担了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划项目课题、重庆市自然科学基金面上项目、重庆市留学回国人员创业创新项目、中国航空工业集团军工横向等科研项目,作为主研人参加了国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目、国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目等科研项目。
2016.9 - 2018.9 欧盟工业4.0智能制造大型项目ASPECT(项目经费474万欧元)数字建模与仿真课题(WPT.1)第一主研,博士后研究员。开发了一个基于微机械机理的多尺度摩擦模型,在德国、瑞典知名汽车制造商产品研发中成功应用。国际机械科学学报International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 杰出审稿人。
2011.9 - 2015.12 荷兰材料创新研究所(M2i)— 瑞典斯凯孚集团(SKF)滚动轴承圈热环轧成形仿真与优化项目SDHRR(项目经费27万欧元)项目负责人,博士研究员。开发了热环轧制损伤模拟与工艺优化软件一套,出版英文专著一部。
2003.9 - 2007.7 北京科技大学 工学学士
2007.10 - 2010.12 德国亚琛工业大学 理学硕士
2011.9 - 2016.5 荷兰特文特大学 博士
Zihou Li, Chao Wang*, Wenjing Fu, Hailin Nie, Wenxi Wang, Jun Luo, Highly correlated deposition characteristics between individual elemental powders and elemental powder blends of MoNbTaTi in laser melt deposition, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2024, 494: 131
Yuan Zhang, Ouchuan Lin, Chao Wang*, Alumina ceramic insulation layer for strain sensor fabricated by direct laser deposition, Materials and Manufacturing processes, 2024, 1-13
Juanjuan Li, Chao Wang*, Tao Wang, Wenxi Wang, Linjiang Chai, Jun Luo, Oxidation and wear behaviors of MoNbTaW high entropy alloy fabricated via laser energy deposition at elevated temperature, Materials Characterization, 2024, 216: 114221
Tao Wang , Chao Wang*, Juanjuan Li, Wenxi Wang, Linjiang Chai, Jun Luo, Oxidation resistance, corrosion behavior and grinding performance of laser-deposited TaMoCrTiAl refractory high-entropy coating, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2024, 123: 106771
Hongzhong Liao, Juanjuan Li, Chao Wang*, Yuru Wu, Shimin Zhu, Jun Luo, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of MoNbTaW RHEA Fabricated by Laser Metal Deposition, JOM, 2024, 76: 4249-4259
Hailin Nie, Hang Liu, Chao Wang*, Yuru Wu, Jun Luo, A new laser remelting strategy for direct energy deposition of 316L stainless steel, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B, Journal of engineering manufacture, 2024, 1-13
Juanjuan Li, Chao Wang*, Shimin Zhu, Tao Wang, Linjiang Chai, Qiqi Li, Jun Luo, Effects of laser power on microstructures and mechanical properties of CoCrFeNiMn high entropy alloy with the addition of Y2O3 by directed energy deposition, Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 169: 110122
Tao Wang, Chao Wang*, Juanjuan Li, Linjiang Chai, Chong Deng, Jun Luo, Yun Huang, Microstructure and properties of laser-clad high entropy alloy coating on Inconel 718 alloy, Materials Characterization, 2022, 193: 112314
Jian Yang, Xufeng Yan, Chao Wang*, Yuanxin Luo, High-pressure wear behavior of laser clad MoNiTaTiV high-entropy alloy coating sliding against QBe2.0 beryllium bronze under dry and oil-lubricated conditions, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, 446: 128757
Chao Wang*, Yuru Wu, Hongzhong Liao, Chong Deng, Jun Luo, Yun Huang, Influence of contact force and rubber wheel hardness on material removal in abrasive belt grinding investigated by physical simulator, Precision Engineering, 2022, 78: 70-78
Yuru Wu, Chao Wang*, Jun Luo, Yun Huang, Experimental and numerical characterization of abrasive belt wear and debris formation during dry grinding of nickel-based superalloys with diamond abrasive belts, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2022, 118: 102546
Chong Deng, Chao Wang*, Linjiang Chai, Tao Wang, Jun Luo, Mechanical and chemical properties of CoCrFeNiMo0.2 high entropy alloy coating fabricated on Ti6Al4V by laser cladding, Intermetallics, 2022, 144: 107504
Chao Wang*, Chong Deng, Yuru Wu, Linjiang Chai, Kang Xiang, Yun Huang, Temperature and Stress Field Analysis for Pulsed Laser-Cladding of Pure Titanium on Ti-6Al-4V, JOM, 2022, 74: 755-763
Shuting Tang, Chao Wang*, Chen Hua, Liang Yang, Yuru Wu, Xuan Sun, Peng Song, Bingxin Huang, Surface texture of substrates prepared by femtosecond laser for improving the thermal cycle life of TBCs, Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 5775-5786
Chao Wang*, Xufeng Yan, Hongzhong Liao, Linjiang Chai, Lai Zou, Yun Huang, Process parameter optimization and anisotropy sensitivity study for abrasive belt grinding of nickel-based single-crystal superalloy, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 21:170.
Wei Liu, Xu Cheng, Chao Wang*, Bingbing Zhao, Bingxin Huang, Enhancing high cycle stability of Ni-rich LiNi0.94Co0.04Al0.02O2 layered cathode material, Ionics, 2021, 27: 4619 - 4628.
Tao Wang, Chao Wang*, Juanjuan Li, Linjiang Chai, Xing Hu, Yanlong Ma, Yun Huang, Microstructure and Wear Properties of Laser-clad NiCo Alloy Coating on Inconel 718 Alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 879:160412.
Chao Wang*, Juanjuan Li, Tao Wang, Linjiang Chai, Chong Deng, Yueyuan Wang, Yun Huang, Microstructure and properties of pure titanium coating on Ti-6Al-4V alloy by laser cladding, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2021, 416:127137.
Linjiang Chai, Chao Wang*, Kang Xiang, Yueyuan Wang, Tao Wang, Yanlong Ma, Phase constitution, microstructure and properties of pulsed laser-clad ternary CrNiTi medium-entropy alloy coating on pure titanium, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2020, 402:126503.
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College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering ChongQing University
Add:7th Teaching Building, Campus A,
No. 174 Shazheng Street, Shapingba District,
Chongqing, P.R.C., 400044
Office phone number: 86-023-65102401
Student Employment Office: 86-023-65112106
Undergraduate enrollment: 86-023-65111989
Graduate enrollment: 86-023-65106174